Source: org/terraswarm/accessor/accessors/web/hosts/common/commonHost.js

// JavaScript functions to be shared among accessor hosts.
// Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Regents of the University of California.
// All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
// license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
// software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above
// copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies
// of this software.

////                NOTE:               ////
////  This file has an exact copy in    ////
////    accessors/web/hosts/common      ////
////    and in the Ptolemy tree at      ////
////   $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs      ////
//// If you update here, please update  ////
////   both places and run the tests    ////

/** This module provides host-independent functions for swarmlet hosts.
 *  A specific host (such as the Node.js host, the browser host, or the Ptolemy II
 *  host) can use this module to implement common functionality that is realizable
 *  in pure JavaScript.
 *  Instantiating Accessors
 *  -----------------------
 *  Specifically, this module provides a constructor for instantiating accessors,
 *  and a convenience function (**instantiateAccessor**) that takes as an argument
 *  the fully qualified accessor class name, such as 'net/REST'.
 *  For these functions to be able to instantiate an accessor given only its class name,
 *  the host needs to provide as an argument to new Accessor() or
 *  instantiateAccessor() a function, here designated getAccessorCode(), that
 *  will retrieve the accessor source code given the class name. This cannot be done
 *  in a host-independent way. For example, ```getAccessorCode('net/REST')```
 *  should return the JavaScript  code defining the REST accessor.
 *  This function must also be provided if the host is to support accessor
 *  subclassing (extend()) or interface implementation (implement()).
 *  The constructor and instantiate functions return an object that is an instance of an
 *  accessor. A specific host will typically use this by invoking the following
 *  instance's functions, perhaps in this order:
 *  * **setParameter**(name, value): Set a parameter value.
 *  * **initialize**(): Initialize the accessor.
 *  * **provideInput**(name, value): Provide an input value.
 *  * **react()** React to input values and fire the accessor.
 *  * **latestOutput**(name): Retrieve an output value produced in react().
 *  * **wrapup**(): Wrap up the accessor.
 *  The react() function first invokes all input handlers that have been registered
 *  to handle provided inputs. It then invokes all input handlers that have been
 *  registered to handle any input.  Finally, it invokes the fire() function of the
 *  accessor, if one is defined.
 *  Events Emitted
 *  --------------
 *  An instantiated accessor is an event emitter that emits the following events:
 *  * **initialize**: Emitted when the accessor has been initialized.
 *  * **output**(*name*, *value*): Emitted when an output with the specified name
 *    and value are sent.
 *  * **reactStart** Emitted when a reaction is starting.
 *  * **reactEnd**: Emitted when the accessor has reacted.
 *  * **wrapup**: Emitted when the accessor has wrapped up.
 *  Extend and Implement
 *  --------------------
 *  If a getAccessorCode() function is provided, then this implementation supports
 *  the **extend**() and **implement**() functions. An accessor A extends an accessor
 *  B if it includes in its setup() function a statement like:
 *      this.extend(B);
 *  In this case, there will be two accessor instances created, one for A and one for
 *  B. Somewhat confusingly, A will be the prototype of B. This may seem backwards,
 *  but there is a good reason for it. B omits several key properties, such as its
 *  lists of inputs, outputs, and parameters. And thus, when the setup() function of
 *  B creates an input, that input becomes an input of A.  Accessor A can reference
 *  the instance of B as A.ssuper.  The exported functions of B are accessible via
 *  as A.ssuper.exports or A.exports.ssuper.
 *  Accessor A **implements** accessor B if its setup function includes:
 *      this.implement(B);
 *  This case is similar, in that A becomes the prototype of B, but the instance of
 *  B is not available to A. The only interaction between the two is that when the
 *  setup() function of B is invoked, it will again create inputs, outputs, and
 *  parameters in A rather than in its own instance.
 *  If A extends B, then the exports property of B becomes the prototype of the
 *  exports property of A.  This is the reverse of the prototype chain for the
 *  accessor instance itself. The reason for this is that B may define 'base-class'
 *  functions and properties that may or may not be overridden by A. These should
 *  be declared as exported properties.  For example, if B has a property:
 * = 10;
 *  Then A can refer to foo as ``. A can also override the value of
 *  foo by just writing to it.
 *  Composite Accessors
 *  -------------------
 *  If a getAccessorCode() function is provided, then this implementation supports
 *  composite accessors, which can instantiate other accessors (instantiate()) and
 *  connect them (connect()).  That is, an accessor may be defined as a hierarchical
 *  composition of other accessors.
 *  If C is a composite accessor and you invoke C.provideInput(name, value) to
 *  provide an input to C, the same input will be automatically provided to any
 *  contained accessor that is connected to the input with the specified name.
 *  Moreover, if C does not provide its own fire() function, then a default fire()
 *  function will invoke react() on any contained accessors that are provided with
 *  an input. If those contained accessors produce outputs, those will be provided
 *  as inputs to any connected accessors and then those will react as well.
 *  Finally, a contained accessor may send an output to an output of C, in which
 *  case the composite accessor will produce an output.
 *  The reactions of contained accessors in a composite will occur in topological
 *  sort order (upstream accessors are assured of reacting first). This ensures that
 *  reactions of a composite are deterministic. Specifically, suppose that A, B, and
 *  D are all accessors contained by a composite C. Suppose that the output of A goes
 *  to both B and D, and that the output of B also goes to D. Then B will always react
 *  before D, since it is upstream of D.
 *  A composition of accessors can have cycles, but at least one output in any
 *  directed cycle must have the option 'spontaneous' set to 'true'. This means that
 *  the output is not immediately produced as a reaction to an input, but rather will
 *  be produced some time later as a consequence of a callback. If there is no such
 *  marked output, then the cycle is a causality loop. There is no way to determine
 *  the order in which accessors should react.
 *  Mutable Accessors
 *  -----------------
 *  Mutable accessors are a particular type of composite accessors. They have the ability
 *  to dynamically change their behavior by substituting a contained accessor X by another
 *  accessor X'. The Mutable accessor can be used as a placeholder where a designer can
 *  plug in a discovered accessor. In this version, the reification mechanism is quite open;
 *  very little checking is done for correctness. 
 *  When calling the 'reify' function on a particular accessor X, the Mutable Accessor
 *  will connect to X, making it equivalent to X itself. This is enabled by the composition
 *  mechanism. And this is done on runtime. If there is a previous reified accessor, it is
 *  unreified.
 *  The choice of the accessor to be used for reification can be handled by another accessor
 *  or actor. 
 *  At any time, a previous reification can be removed. This will make the Mutable Accessor
 *  equivalent to an interface again. Consequently, another reification may be performed,
 *  enabling thus dynamic substitution.
 *  Spontaneous Accessors
 *  ---------------------
 *  An accessor need not have any inputs. In this case, an invocation of react()
 *  will not invoke any input handlers (there cannot be any) and will only invoke the
 *  fire() function.  Even with no fire() function, such an accessor can produce outputs
 *  if it sets up callbacks in its initialize() function, for example using
 *  setTimeout() or setInterval(). We call such an accessor a **spontaneous accessor**,
 *  because it spontaneously produces outputs without being triggered by any input.
 *  A composite accessor can contain spontaneous accessors. When these produce outputs,
 *  the composite accessor will automatically react. Hence, the contained spontaneous
 *  accessor can trigger reactions of other contained accessors.
 *  Overriding Function Bindings
 *  ----------------------------
 *  A particular accessor host (such as the browser host or Node.js host) can
 *  provide an accessor instance with specific implementations of various functions
 *  that the accessor invokes. Such custom function
 *  bindings will override the defaults in this implementation.
 *  The most useful ones to override are probably these:
 *  * **require**: The host's implementation of the require function.
 *     The default implementation throws an exception indicating that the host
 *     does not support any external modules.
 *  * **get**: A function to retrieve the value of an input. The default
 *     implementation returns the the value specified by a provideInput() call, or
 *     if there has been no provideInput() call, then the value provided in the
 *     options argument of the this.input() call, or null if there is no value.
 *  * **getParameter**: A function to retrieve the value of a parameter. The default
 *     implementation returns the the value specified by a this.setParameter() call, or
 *     if there has been no this.setParameter() call, then the value provided in the
 *     options argument of the this.parameter() call, or null if there is no value.
 *  * **send**: A function to send an output. The default implementation produces
 *     the output using console.log().
 *  @module @accessors-hosts/commonHost
 *  @author Edward A. Lee and Chris Shaver.  Contributor: Christopher Brooks
 *  @version $$Id$$

// Stop extra messages from jslint and jshint.
// See
/*globals actor, alert, console, currentTime, Duktape, exports, instance, java, Packages, process, require, setInterval, setIntervalDet, setTimeout, setTimeoutDet, clearInterval, clearIntervalDet, clearTimeout, clearTimeoutDet, window, getResource, getTopLevelAccessors */
/*jshint globalstrict: true, multistr: true */
'use strict';

// All the accessors that have been instantiated (at any level of the hierarchy,
// and also including interfaces and accessors that are extended).
var allAccessors = [];

// If set to true, then accessors whose class name begins with 'trusted/'
// and custom accessors will have a binding for the getTopLevelAccessors() function.
var trustedAccessorsAllowed = false;

var util = require('util');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var deterministicTemporalSemantics = require('./modules/deterministicTemporalSemantics');

//// Accessor class and its functions.

/** Create (using new) an accessor instance whose interface and functionality is given by
 *  the specified code. This will evaluate the specified code, and if it exports a
 *  setup() function, invoke that function. The created object includes at least the
 *  following properties:
 *  * **accessorName**: The name of the instance provided to the constructor.
 *  * **exports**: An object that includes any properties that have have been
 *    explicitly added to the exports property in the specified code.
 *  * **inputList**: An array of input names (see below).
 *  * **inputs**: An object with one property per input (see below).
 *  * **outputList**: An array of output names (see below).
 *  * **outputs**: An object with one property per output (see below).
 *  * **parameterList**: An array of parameter names (see below).
 *  * **parameters**: An object with one property per parameter (see below).
 *  * **inputHandlers**: An object indexed by input name with
 *    an array of input handlers, each of which is a function.
 *  * **anyInputHandlers**: An array of input handlers to be invoked
 *    when any input arrives (the name argument of addInputHandler is null).
 *  * **inputHandlersIndex**: An object indexed by handler id (returned
 *    by this.addInputHandler()) that contains objects of the form
 *    {'name': nameOfInput, 'index': arrayIndexOfHandler}.
 *    This is used by this.removeInputHandler(). If the handler is one
 *    for any input, then nameOfInput is null and arrayIndexOfHandler
 *    specifies the position of the handler in the anyInputHandlers array.
 *  Inputs, outputs, and parameters have a defined order. The ```inputList``` 
 *  property is an array giving the name of each input in the order in which it 
 *  is defined in the setup() function. For each entry in that array, there is 
 *  a property by that name in the ```inputs``` object, indexed by the name. 
 *  The value of that property is the options object given to the ```input()``` 
 *  function, possibly with additional properties such as 'destination', which 
 *  is used for composite accessors. Similarly, parameters and outputs are 
 *  represented in the data structure by an array of names and an object with the 
 *  options values.
 *  The returned instance may also include the following properties:
 *  * **accessorClass**: The class name of the accessor, if not anonymous.
 *  * **containedAccessors**: A list of contained accessors, if this is a composite
 *    accessor or a mutable Accessor.
 *  * **container**: A reference to the containing accessor, if this instance is
 *    instantiated by a composite accessor.
 *  * **extendedBy**: A reference to the accessor that this is extended by, if there is
 *    one.
 *  * **extending**: A reference to the accessor that this extends, if it extends one.
 *  * **implementedInterfaces**: An array of interfaces that this accessor implements.
 *  * **root**: The root of the extend/implement tree. This is the accessor instance
 *    being invoked in a swarmlet, and each of the instances it extends or implements
 *    will reference it in their root property.
 *  * **ssuper**: If this accessor extends another, this is a reference to the instance
 *    of the accessor it extends.
 *  If the returned instance is a mutable accessor, then it will include these additional
 *  properties:
 *  * **isMutable**: set to true if the accessor is a mutable one.
 *  * **state**: indicates the current state of the mutable accessor. It can be 'reified' or
 *    'unreified'.
 *  * **inputsMap**: An object that maps the mutable accessor inputs to the reifying accessor
 *    inputs.
 *  * **outputsMap**: An object that maps the mutable accessor outputs to the reifying accessor
 *    outputs.
 *  * **reifyingAccessor**: reference to the reifying accessor among all possible contained 
 *    accessors.
 *  Notes: (i) When a mutable accessor is reified, the attribute containedAccessors will contain
 *  the selected accessor for reification (ii) A mutable accessor cannot extend another accessor.
 *  The bindings parameter provides function bindings for functions that are used by
 *  accessors.  Any that are not provided will be provided with defaults.
 *  Any that are provided will override the defaults.
 *  @param accessorName A name to give to the accessor.
 *  @param code The accessor source code.
 *  @param getAccessorCode A function that will retrieve the source code of a specified
 *   accessor (used to implement the this.extend() and this.implement() functions), or null if
 *   the host does not support accessors that extend other accessors.
 *  @param bindings The functhis.emittion bindings to be used by the accessor.
 *  @param extendedBy An optional argument specifying what accessor is extending
 *   this new instance. Pass null or no argument if this accessor is not being extended.
 *   If this argument is present, then the getAccessorCode and bindings arguments are
 *   ignored (the instance inherits those properties from the extender).
 *  @param implementedBy An optional argument specifying what accessor is implementing
 *   this new instance. Pass null or no argument if this accessor is not being
 *   implemented.
 *   If this argument is present, then the getAccessorCode and bindings arguments are
 *   ignored (the instance inherits those properties from the implementer).
function Accessor(accessorName, code, getAccessorCode, bindings, extendedBy, implementedBy) {
    if (!code) {
        throw new Error('No accessor code specified.');
    var binding;
    // First, create all the properties that this instance will have as its 'own'
    // properties, even if it is being extended or implemented.
    this.accessorName = accessorName;
    this.extendedBy = extendedBy;
    this.implementedBy = implementedBy;

    this.code = code;

    this.bindings = bindings;
    //// Override using specified bindings.

    // Any property defined in the bindings argument overrides prototype functions
    // for this instance. Do this before creating other own properties in case
    // the caller accidentally tries to provide bindings whose names match key
    // properties of this instance.
    for (binding in bindings) {
        this[binding] = bindings[binding];

    // To keep track of timers per accessor
    this.timers = {};
    // If no extendedBy or implementedBy is given, then initialize the data structures
    // to be used by this accessor instance.  These data structures will be in the
    // prototype chain for any instance that this accessor implements or extends,
    // so that the setup() function of those instances can modify these data structures.
    if (!extendedBy && !implementedBy) {

        this.getAccessorCode = getAccessorCode;

        //// Define the properties that define inputs and input handlers

        // Inputs, outputs, and parameters need to be able to be accessed two ways,
        // by name and in the order they are defined. Hence, we define two data
        // structures for each, one of which is an ordered list of names, and one
        // of which is an object with a property for each input, output, or parameter.
        this.inputList = [];
        this.inputs = {};
        this.inputHandlers = {};
        this.anyInputHandlers = [];
        this.inputHandlersIndex = {};

        // Counter used to assign unique IDs to each input handler.
        this.inputHandlerID = 0;

        //// Define the properties that define outputs.

        this.outputList = [];
        this.outputs = {};

        //// Define the properties that define parameters.

        this.parameterList = [];
        this.parameters = {};

        //// Support for composite accessors.

        // List of contained accessors.
        this.containedAccessors = [];


    // Define the exports object to be populated by the accessor code.
    // Even if there is an object extending this one, this one has its own
    // exports property. If this object is being extended (rather than
    // implemented), then this new exports object will become the prototype
    // of the exports object of the immediate parent (see the this.extend() function
    // below).
    this.exports = {};

    // To keep track of implemented interfaces.
    // Note that since this is an 'own' property, only the immediately
    // implemented interfaces are listed.
    this.implementedInterfaces = [];

    // To prevent ssuper from being inherited via the prototype chain,
    // define it explicitly to be null.
    this.ssuper = null;
    this.exports.ssuper = null;

    //// Evaluate the accessor code.

    // In strict mode, eval() cannot modify the scope of this function.
    // Hence, we wrap the code in the function, and will pass in the
    // exports object that we want the code to modify.

    // Need to provide all the functions that are allowed to be invoked
    // as top-level functions in the accessor specification.
    if (bindings && bindings.getResource) {
        this.getResource = bindings.getResource;
    } else if (typeof getResource !== 'undefined') {
        this.getResource = getResource;
    } else {
        throw new Error('Host does not define required getResource function.');

    if (bindings && bindings.setInterval) {
        this.setIntervalDeterministic = bindings.setInterval;
    } else if (typeof setInterval !== 'undefined') {
        // If deterministicTemporalSemantics is defined, then the Accessor function 
        // prototype setIntervalDeterministic() will be used. Otherwise, use the default
        // setInterval provided by the host
        if (!deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
            this.setIntervalDeterministic = setInterval;
    } else {
        throw new Error('Host does not define required setInterval function.');

    if (bindings && bindings.setTimeout) {
        this.setTimeoutDeterministic = bindings.setTimeout;
    } else if (typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined') {
        // If deterministicTemporalSemantics is defined, then the Accessor function 
        // prototype setTimeoutDeterministic() will be used. Otherwise, use the default
        // setTimeout provided by the host
        if (!deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
            this.setTimeoutDeterministic = setTimeout;
    } else {
        throw new Error('Host does not define required setTimeout function.');

    if (bindings && bindings.clearInterval) {
        this.clearIntervalDeterministic = bindings.clearInterval;
    } else if (typeof clearInterval !== 'undefined') {
        // If deterministicTemporalSemantics is defined, then the Accessor function 
        // prototype clearIntervalDeterministic() will be used. Otherwise, use the default
        // clearInterval provided by the host
        if (!deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
            this.clearIntervalDeterministic = clearInterval;
    } else {
        throw new Error('Host does not define required clearInterval function.');

    if (bindings && bindings.clearTimeout) {
        this.clearTimeoutDeterministic = bindings.clearTimeout;
    } else if (typeof clearTimeout !== 'undefined') {
        if (!deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
            // If deterministicTemporalSemantics is defined, then the Accessor function 
            // prototype clearTimeoutDeterministic() will be used. Otherwise, use the default
            // clearTimeout provided by the host
            this.clearTimeoutDeterministic = clearTimeout;
    } else {
        throw new Error('Host does not define required clearTimeout function.');

    if (bindings && bindings.alert) {
        this.alert = bindings.alert;
    } else if (typeof alert !== 'undefined') {
        this.alert = alert;
    } else if (typeof console.log !== 'undefined') {
        this.alert = console.log;
    } else {
        throw new Error('Host does not define required alert function.');
    if (bindings && bindings.currentTime) {
        this.currentTime = bindings.currentTime;
    } else if (typeof currentTime !== 'undefined') {
        this.currentTime = currentTime;

    if (bindings && bindings.getTopLevelAccessors) {
        this.getTopLevelAccessors = bindings.getTopLevelAccessors;
    } else {
        this.getTopLevelAccessors = getTopLevelAccessorsNotSupported;

    // By default, the root property is this instance.
    this.root = this;
    var wrapper = new Function('\
alert, \
currentTime, \
error, \
exports, \
getResource, \
getTopLevelAccessors, \
hostStackTrace, \
httpRequest, \
readURL, \
require, \
setInterval, \
setTimeout, \
clearInterval, \

    // Mark that the accessor has not been initialized
    this.initialized = false;

    // Record the instance indexed by its exports property.
    _accessorInstanceTable[this.exports] = this;

    //// Set up the prototype chain and ssuper properties.

    if (extendedBy) {
        // This accessor is being extended.

        // First argument is the object, second is the prototype.
        // Note the reverse arrangment for the accessor instance vs.
        // its exports property.
        Object.setPrototypeOf(this, extendedBy);
        Object.setPrototypeOf(extendedBy.exports, this.exports);

        if (extendedBy.ssuper) {
            throw new Error('Cannot extend more than one base accessor.');

        extendedBy.ssuper = this;
        extendedBy.exports.ssuper = this.exports;

        this.root = extendedBy.root;

        extendedBy.extending = this;

    } else if (implementedBy) {
        // This accessor interface is being implemented.
        Object.setPrototypeOf(this, implementedBy);
        // Note that there is now no relationship between the exports properties,
        // and there are no ssuper properties provided.

        this.root = implementedBy.root;


    //// Evaluate the setup() function to populate the data structures.

    if (typeof this.exports.setup === 'function') {
        // console.log('setup for accessor: '+this.accessorName);;
        // Add an error port. Since Accessor.prototype.output uses 
        // pushIfNotPresent, then we will finish by having only one
        // error port per Accessor 
        // FIXME: Should we keep this?

    //// Provide wrapper functions for initialize(), fire(), and wrapup().

    if (!extendedBy && !implementedBy) {
        // The instance versions of initialize() and wrapup() perform
        // functions that every accessor should perform, including handling
        // scheduling of any contained accessors.  They will also invoke
        // exports.initialize() and exports.wrapup(), if those are defined.
        this.initialize = function () {
            var thiz = this;
            if (typeof _debug !== 'undefined' && _debug) {
                // The false argument says to not individually monitor contained accessors.
            if (this.containedAccessors && this.containedAccessors.length > 0) {
                this.eventQueue = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < this.containedAccessors.length; i++) {
                    // console.log('Priority of: ' + this.containedAccessors[i].accessorName +
                    //       ' is: ' + this.containedAccessors[i].priority);
                    if (this.containedAccessors[i].initialize) {

            if (typeof this.exports.initialize === 'function') {
                // Call with 'this' being the accessor instance, not the exports
                // property.
            this.initialized = true;

        }; = function () {
            // console.log('fire for accessor: '+this.accessorName);
            if (typeof === 'function') {
                // Call with 'this' being the accessor instance, not the exports
                // property.

        this.wrapup = function () {
            // console.log('wrapup for accessor: ' + this.accessorName);
            // Mark that this accessor has not been initialized.
            this.initialized = false;

            // Remove all input handlers.
            this.inputHandlers = {};
            this.anyInputHandlers = [];
            this.inputHandlersIndex = {};

            // Reset counter used to assign unique IDs to each input handler.
            this.inputHandlerID = 0;

            // Reset all timers
            var thiz = this;
            // Invoke wrapup on contained accessors.
            if (this.containedAccessors && this.containedAccessors.length > 0) {
                for (var i = 0; i < this.containedAccessors.length; i++) {
                    if (this.containedAccessors[i].wrapup) {
            // If mutable, should unreify
            if (this.isMutable) {
            if (typeof this.exports.wrapup === 'function') {
                // Call with 'this' being the accessor instance, not the exports
                // property.

            // If you change wrapupEnd, then be sure to update the wrapupEnd
            // listener in processCommandLineArguments().

            if (typeof _debug !== 'undefined' && _debug) {
                var monitoringInfo = this.stopMonitoring();
                console.log('**** Monitoring information for ' + this.accessorName + ':');

            // FIXME: Should we keep this?
util.inherits(Accessor, EventEmitter);

/** Add an input handler for the specified input and return a handle that
 *  can be used to remove the input handler.
 *  If no name is given (the first argument is null or a function), then the
 *  function will be invoked when any input changes.
 *  If more arguments are given beyond the first two (or first, if the function
 *  is given first), then those arguments
 *  will be passed to the input handler function when it is invoked.
 *  @param name The name of the input (a string).
 *  @param func The function to be invoked.
 *  @param args Additional arguments to pass to the function.
 *  @return An ID that can be passed to this.removeInputHandler().
Accessor.prototype.addInputHandler = function (name, func) {
    var argCount = 2,
        callback, id, tail;
    if (name && typeof name !== 'string') {
        // Tolerate a single argument, a function.
        if (typeof name === 'function') {
            func = name;
            name = null;
            argCount = 1;
        } else {
            throw new Error('name argument is required to be a string. Got: ' + (typeof name));
    if (!func) {
        func = nullHandlerFunction;
    } else if (typeof func !== 'function') {
        throw new Error('Argument of addInputHandler is not a function. It is: ' + func);

    // Check that the input exists.
    if (name && !this.inputs[name]) {
        throw new Error('Cannot add an input handler to a non-existent input: ' + name);

    // Bind the callback function so that it is always invoked in the context
    // of the root accessor object (not extended or implemented instances).
    // If there are arguments to the callback, create a new function.
    // Get an array of arguments excluding the first two.
    // When that function is invoked, 'this' will be the data structure
    // of the top-level instance (which by prototype chain, can reach down
    // the inheritance hierarchy).
    tail =, argCount);
    var thiz = this.root;
    if (tail.length !== 0) {
        callback = function () {
            func.apply(thiz, tail);
    } else {
        callback = func.bind(thiz);
    // Need to allow more than one handler and need to return a handle
    // that can be used by removeInputHandler.
    var index;
    if (name) {
        if (!thiz.inputHandlers[name]) {
            thiz.inputHandlers[name] = [];
        index = thiz.inputHandlers[name].length;
    } else {
        index = thiz.anyInputHandlers.length;
    var result = thiz.inputHandlerID;
    thiz.inputHandlersIndex[thiz.inputHandlerID++] = {
        'name': name,
        'index': index
    // Record the handle in the callback function so that it can be
    // removed if it throws an exception.
    callback.handle = result;
    return result;

/** Assign priorities to contained accessors based on a topological sort of the
 *  connectivity graph. Priorities are integers (positive or negative), where a lower
 *  number indicates a higher priority. The number for an accessor is assured of being
 *  higher than the number for any upstream accessor.  An accessor A is upstream of
 *  an accessor B if A has an output connected to an input of B and that output is not
 *  marked "spontaneous" (that is, it does not have an option with name "spontaneous"
 *  and value true). A spontaneous output is produced by an asynchronous callback
 *  rather than as a response to an input.  Every directed cycle in a connectivity
 *  graph must contain at least one spontaneous output or there will be a deadlock
 *  due to a causality loop.
 *  Every accessor will receive a unique priority.
 *  If the topological sort alone is not sufficient to determine priorities,
 *  then the order in which inputs and outputs are connected will determine it so
 *  that the priorities are deterministic.
Accessor.prototype.assignPriorities = function () {
    // Note that we could just use this instead of this.root because of the
    // prototype chain, but in a deep hierarchy, this will be more efficient.
    var thiz = this.root;
    var accessors = thiz.containedAccessors;

    // First, initialize the contained accessors with a null priority.
    for (var i = 0; i < accessors.length; i++) {
        accessors[i].priority = null;
    // Next, assign the first accessor an arbitrary priority and follow its
    // connections to assign priorities implied by those connections.
    var startingPriority = 0;
    var countConnectedComponents = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < accessors.length; i++) {
        // If the instance already has a priority, skip it.
        if (accessors[i].priority !== null) {
        accessors[i].priority = startingPriority;
        // console.log('Assigned priority to ' + accessors[i].accessorName + ' of ' + startingPriority);
        // Follow connections
        thiz.assignImpliedPrioritiesUpstream(accessors[i], startingPriority);
        thiz.assignImpliedPrioritiesDownstream(accessors[i], startingPriority);

        // Any remaining accessors without priorities are in one or more independent
        // connected subgraphs. To ensure that the next set of priorities does not
        // overlap those already assigned, we start with a sufficiently higher number.
        startingPriority = (countConnectedComponents + 1) * accessors.length;

/** Assuming that the specified accessor has an assigned priority, follow its
 *  connections downstream and assign priorities to connected accessors.
 *  Each downstream accessor gets a priority at least one greater than the
 *  priority of the specified accessor, and each gets a unique priority.
 *  Return the largest priority assigned to a downstream accessor, or if
 *  no priorities are assigned to downstream accessor, then return the priority
 *  of the specified accessor.
 *  All downstream accessors are assigned unique priorities.
 *  @param accessor The contained accessor with a priority.
 *  @param cyclePriority If we encounter an accessor with this priority, then
 *   there is a causality loop.
Accessor.prototype.assignImpliedPrioritiesDownstream = function (accessor, cyclePriority) {
    var myPriority = accessor.priority;
    var countDownstreamAccessors = 0
    // To get repeatable priorities, iterate over outputs in order.
    for (var i = 0; i < accessor.outputList.length; i++) {
        var output = accessor.outputs[accessor.outputList[i]];
        if (output.spontaneous) {
            // Output is spontaneous, so my priority has no implications
            // for downstream accessors.
        if (output.destinations) {
            // There are destination accessors.
            for (var j = 0; j < output.destinations.length; j++) {
                var destination = output.destinations[j];
                if (typeof destination === 'string') {
                    // Destination is an output of the container.
                var destinationAccessor = destination.accessor;
                var destinationInput = destinationAccessor.inputs[destination.inputName];

                var theirPriority = destinationAccessor.priority;
                if (theirPriority === cyclePriority) {
                    throw new Error('Causality loop found including at least: ' +
                                    destinationAccessor.accessorName +
                                    ". Try setting an output port to be spontaneous." +
                                    "  See");
                if (theirPriority === null) {
                    // Destination has no previously assigned priority. Give it one,
                    // and follow the implications.
                    destinationAccessor.priority = myPriority + countDownstreamAccessors;
                    // console.log('Assigned downstream priority to ' + destinationAccessor.accessorName + ' of ' + destinationAccessor.priority);
                    countDownstreamAccessors += this.assignImpliedPrioritiesDownstream(
                        destinationAccessor, cyclePriority);
                } else {
                    if (theirPriority > myPriority) {
                        // Priority is OK. Continue.
                    // Priority has to be adjusted.
                    destinationAccessor.priority = myPriority + countDownstreamAccessors;
                    // console.log('Assigned downstream priority to ' + destinationAccessor.accessorName + ' of ' + destinationAccessor.priority);
                    countDownstreamAccessors += this.assignImpliedPrioritiesDownstream(
                        destinationAccessor, cyclePriority);
    return countDownstreamAccessors;

/** Assuming that the specified accessor has an assigned priority, follow its
 *  connections upstream and assign priorities to connected accessors.
 *  All upstream accessors are assigned unique priorities.
 *  @param accessor The contained accessor with a priority.
 *  @param cyclePriority If we encounter an accessor with this priority, then
 *   there is a causality loop.
Accessor.prototype.assignImpliedPrioritiesUpstream = function (accessor, cyclePriority) {
    var myPriority = accessor.priority;
    var countUpstreamAccessors = 0;
    // To get repeatable priorities, iterate over inputs in order.
    for (var i = 0; i < accessor.inputList.length; i++) {
        var input = accessor.inputs[accessor.inputList[i]];
        if (input.source && typeof input.source !== 'string') {
            // There is a source accessor.
            var source = input.source.accessor;
            // There was a bug here where $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/test/auto/RampDisplay.xml
            // would fail because output was undefined.
            //var output = source.outputs[source.outputName];
            var output = source.outputs[input.source.outputName];
            if (typeof output === 'undefined') {
                throw new Error('In "' + source.accessorName + ', source.outputName was: "' + source.outputName + '", and source.outputs[source.outputName] is of type undefined? outputs:' + source.outputs.toString() + ' source:\n' + util.inspect(source));
            // If the output is marked 'spontaneous' then we can ignore it.
            if (output.spontaneous) {
            var theirPriority = source.priority;
            if (theirPriority === cyclePriority) {
                throw new Error('Causality loop found including at least: ' +
            if (theirPriority === null) {
                // Source has no previously assigned priority. Give it one,
                // and follow the implications.
                source.priority = myPriority - countUpstreamAccessors;
                // console.log('Assigned upstream priority to ' + accessors[i].accessorName + ' of ' + source.priority);
                countUpstreamAccessors += this.assignImpliedPrioritiesUpstream(source, cyclePriority);
            } else {
                if (theirPriority < myPriority) {
                    // Priority is OK. Continue.
                // Priority has to be adjusted.
                source.priority = myPriority - countUpstreamAccessors;
                // console.log('Assigned upstream priority to ' + source.accessorName + ' of ' + source.priority);
                countUpstreamAccessors += this.assignImpliedPrioritiesUpstream(source, cyclePriority);
    return countUpstreamAccessors;

/** Delete the delayed callback identifier from the timers list. This function may be
 *  called by the deterministic temporal semantics module, in order to remove from the
 *  the timers attribute, the identifiers of the callbacks that already executed. 
 *  The callback identifier is given as parameter. 
 *  @param cbId this parameter is required. It is the cbIndentifier to remove from 
 *    timers attribute.
Accessor.prototype.cleanTimersAfterExecution = function(cbId) {
    var thiz = this;

/** Delete the delayed periodic callback using the deterministic temporal semantics.
 *  The callback identifier is given as parameter. It is first searched in the timers 
 *  list. If found, it is cleared and removed from the accessor timers
 *  @param cbId this parameter is required. It is the cbIndentifier.
Accessor.prototype.clearIntervalDeterministic = function(cbId) {
    var thiz = this;
    if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
    } else {

/** Delete the delayed one time callback using the deterministic temporal semantics.
 *  The callback identifier is given as parameter. It is first serached in the timers 
 *  list. If found, it is cleared and removed from the accessor timers
 *  @param cbId this parameter is required. It is the cbIndentifier.
Accessor.prototype.clearTimeoutDeterministic = function(cbId) {
    var thiz = this;
    if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
    } else {

/** Clears all the timers by removing them from the callbackQueue and the
 *  delayedCallbacks object, and then setting this.timers to the empty object. 
Accessor.prototype.clearTimers = function() {
    var thiz = this;
    // Parse all timers to remove them from the callbackQueue and the
    // delayedCallbacks, if deterministicTemporalSemantics is defined 
    if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
        Object.keys(thiz.timers).forEach(function(key) {
    } else {
        Object.keys(thiz.timers).forEach(function(key) {
    thiz.timers = {};

/** Connect the specified inputs and outputs.
 *  There are four forms of this function:
 *  1. this.connect(sourceAccessor, 'outputName', destinationAccessor, 'inputName');
 *  2. this.connect('myInputName', destinationAccessor, 'inputName');
 *  3. this.connect(sourceAccessor, 'outputName', 'myOutputName');
 *  4. this.connect('myInputName', 'myOutputName');
 *  In all cases, this connects a data source to a destination.
 *  An input port of this accessor, with name 'myInputName', can be a source of data
 *  for a contained accessor or for an output port of this accessor, with name
 *  'myOutputName'.
 *  This method appends a destination to the destination property of the input
 *  or output object in the inputs or outputs property of this accessor. The form
 *  of the destination is either a string (if the destination is an output
 *  of this accessor) or an object with two properties,
 *  **accessor** and **inputName**.
 *  This method also sets a **source** property of the input or output that is
 *  the source of data on the connection. Again, that property is either a string
 *  name (to mean an input of the container accessor) or an object with two
 *  properties **accessor** and **outputName**.
 *  @param a An accessor or a name.
 *  @param b An accessor or a name.
 *  @param c An accessor or a name.
 *  @param d A destination port name.
Accessor.prototype.connect = function (a, b, c, d) {
    // Note that we could just use this instead of this.root because of the
    // prototype chain, but in a deep hierarchy, this will be more efficient.
    var thiz = this.root;
    if (typeof a === 'string') {
        // form 2 or 4.
        var myInput = thiz.inputs[a];
        if (!myInput) {
            throw new Error('connect(): No such input: ' + a);
        if (!myInput.destinations) {
            myInput.destinations = [];
        if (typeof b === 'string') {
            // form 4.
            if (!thiz.outputs[b]) {
                throw new Error('connect(): No such output: ' + b);
            thiz.outputs[b].source = a;
        } else {
            // form 2.
            if (!b.inputs[c]) {
                throw new Error('connect(): Destination has no such input: ' + c);
                'accessor': b,
                'inputName': c
            b.inputs[c].source = a;
    } else {
        // form 1 or 3.
        var myOutput = a.outputs[b];
        if (!myOutput) {
            throw new Error('connect(): Source has no such output: ' + b);
        if (!myOutput.destinations) {
            myOutput.destinations = [];
        if (typeof c === 'string') {
            // form 3.
            if (!thiz.outputs[c]) {
                throw new Error('connect(): No such output: ' + b);
            thiz.outputs[c].source = {
                'accessor': a,
                'outputName': b
        } else {
            // form 1.
            if (!c.inputs[d]) {
                throw new Error('connect(): Destination has no such input: ' + d);
                'accessor': c,
                'inputName': d
            c.inputs[d].source = {
                'accessor': a,
                'outputName': b

/** Default implement of the currentTime function, which throws an exception stating
 *  that currentTime is not supported.
Accessor.prototype.currentTime = function () {
    throw new Error('This swarmlet host does not support currentTime().');

/** Disconnects the specified inputs and outputs.
 *  This function is buit from connect() function. Therefore, it uses the same
 *  four forms, however it is used in order to produce the opposite effect:
 *  1. this.disconnect(sourceAccessor, 'outputName', destinationAccessor, 'inputName');
 *  2. this.disconnect('myInputName', destinationAccessor, 'inputName');
 *  3. this.disconnect(sourceAccessor, 'outputName', 'myOutputName');
 *  4. this.disconnect('myInputName', 'myOutputName');
 *  In all cases, this disconnects a data source from a destination.
 *  An input port of this accessor, with name 'myInputName', can be a source of data
 *  for a contained accessor or for an output port of this accessor, with name
 *  'myOutputName'.
 *  This method removes an already established connection. The form
 *  of the destination is either a string (if the destination is an output
 *  of this accessor) or an object with two properties,
 *  **accessor** and **inputName**.
 *  This method also removes from previously constructed *source* property of the input
 *  or output the source of data on the connection. Again, that property is either a string
 *  name (to mean an input of the container accessor) or an object with two
 *  properties *accessor* and *outputName*.
 *  @param a An accessor or a name.
 *  @param b An accessor or a name.
 *  @param c An accessor or a name.
 *  @param d A destination port name.
Accessor.prototype.disconnect = function (a, b, c, d) {
    // Note that we could just use this instead of this.root because of the
    // prototype chain, but in a deep hierarchy, this will be more efficient.
    var thiz = this.root;
    if (typeof a === 'string') {
        // form 2 or 4.
        var myInput = thiz.inputs[a];
        if (!myInput) {
            throw new Error('disconnect(): No such input: ' + a);
        if (typeof b === 'string') {
            // form 4.
            if (!thiz.outputs[b]) {
                throw new Error('disconnect(): No such output: ' + b);
            myInput.destinations.splice(myInput.destinations.indexOf(b), 1);
            thiz.outputs[b].source = null;
        } else {
            // form 2.
            if (!b.inputs[c]) {
                throw new Error('disconnect(): Destination has no such input: ' + c);
                'accessor': b,
                'inputName': c
            }), 1);
            b.inputs[c].source = null;
    } else {
        // form 1 or 3.
        var myOutput = a.outputs[b];
        if (!myOutput) {
            throw new Error('disconnect(): Source has no such output: ' + b);
        if (typeof c === 'string') {
            // form 3.
            if (!thiz.outputs[c]) {
                throw new Error('disconnect(): No such output: ' + b);
            myOutput.destinations.splice(myOutput.destinations.indexOf(c), 1);
            thiz.outputs[c].source = null;
        } else {
            // form 1.
            if (!c.inputs[d]) {
                throw new Error('disconnect(): Destination has no such input: ' + d);
                'accessor': c,
                'inputName': d
            }), 1);
            c.inputs[d].source = null;

/** Report an error using console.error().
 *  This should be used by an accessor to report non-fatal errors.
 *  For fatal errors, invoke "throw new Error('A Description');"
 *  @param message The error message.
Accessor.prototype.error = function (message) {
    // Print a stack trace to the console.
    console.error('------------------------- error stack trace:');
    var e = new Error('dummy');
    var stack = e.stack.replace(/^[^\(]+?[\n$]/gm, '')
        .replace(/^\s+at\s+/gm, '')
        .replace(/^Object.<anonymous>\s*\(/gm, '{anonymous}()@')

/** Extend the specified accessor, inheriting its interface as defined
 *  in its setup() function and making its exports object the prototype
 *  of the exports object of this accessor.
 *  This will throw an exception if no getAccessorCode() function
 *  has been specified.
 *  @param accessorClass Fully qualified accessor class name, e.g. 'net/REST'.
Accessor.prototype.extend = function (accessorClass) {
    // NOTE: This function should not need to be overriden by any host.
    if (!this.getAccessorCode) {
        throw new Error('extend() is not supported by this swarmlet host.');

    var baseName = this.accessorName + '_' + accessorClass;

    // Create an instance of the accessor this is extending.
    var extendedInstance = instantiateAccessor(
        baseName, accessorClass, this.getAccessorCode, this.bindings, this, null);

/** Default implementation of this.get(), which reads the current value of the input
 *  provided by provideInput(), or the default value if none has been provided,
 *  or null if neither has been provided.
 *  @param name The name of the input.
Accessor.prototype.get = function (name) {
    // Note that we could just use this instead of this.root because of the
    // prototype chain, but in a deep hierarchy, this will be more efficient.
    var thiz = this.root;
    var input = thiz.inputs[name];

    if (!input) {
        // Tolerate using this.get() to retrieve a parameter instead of input,
        // since names are required to be unique anyway. This ensure backward
        // compatibility with earlier models for the Ptolemy host, which used
        // this.get() for both inputs and parameters.
        input = thiz.parameters[name];
        if (!input) {
            throw new Error('get(name): No input named ' + name);
    var value;
    var currentValue = input.currentValue;
    if (typeof currentValue !== 'undefined' && currentValue !== null) {
        // If provideInput() has been called, return that value.
        value = input.currentValue;
    } else {
        // Note that if both currentValue and value are null or undefined,
        // then the correct response is null.
        value = input.value;
        if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
            value = null;
    // If necessary, convert the value to the match the type.
    value = convertType(value, input, name);
    return value;

/** Return the class of the accessor.
 *  @return The accessor's class.
Accessor.prototype.getAccessorClass = function() {
    return this.accessorClass;

/** Return the default function bindings to use when instantiating accessors.
 *  @param accessorClass The accessor class name, if there is one.
 *  @return An object with a property for each function that the accessor may invoke
 *   that is implemented by this host.
Accessor.prototype.getDefaultInsideBindings = function(accessorClass) {
    // For functions that access ports, etc., we want the default implementation
    // when instantiating the contained accessor.
    var insideBindings = {
        'currentTime': this.currentTime,
        'error': this.error,
        'httpRequest': this.httpRequest,
        'readURL': this.readURL,
        'require': this.require,
    // If 'this' defines setTimeout(), etc., use that instead of current definitions.
    if (this && this.clearInterval) {
        insideBindings.clearInterval = this.clearInterval;
    if (this && this.clearTimeout) {
        insideBindings.clearTimeout = this.clearTimeout;
    if (this && this.setInterval) {
        insideBindings.setInterval = this.setInterval;
    if (this && this.setTimeout) {
        insideBindings.setTimeout = this.setTimeout;
    // Note that if there is no accessorClass given, then we assume that this
    // accessor is a custom script provided as part of the swarmlet.
    // We trust all such scripts, since they are part of the swarmlet definition,
    // and therefore authored by the author of the swarmlet.

    // String.startsWith was added in ECMA2015 and might not be present in Duktape.
    // The definition of startsWith below is from
    if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
        String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position){
            return this.substr(position || 0, searchString.length) === searchString;

    if (trustedAccessorsAllowed && (!accessorClass || accessorClass.startsWith('trusted/'))) {
        insideBindings.getTopLevelAccessors = getTopLevelAccessors;
    } else {
        insideBindings.getTopLevelAccessors = getTopLevelAccessorsNotSupported;
    return insideBindings;

/** Return an object that contains the accessor's monitor object. Prior to this, the 
 *  total utilization is computed up to this point.  If the accessor is monitoring
 *  deeply, then include a property 'containedAccessors' whose value is an array of
 *  the monitor objects of the contained accessors.
 *  @return the accessor's monitor object.
Accessor.prototype.getMonitoring = function() {
    if (this.monitoring) {
        this.monitor.accessorName = this.accessorName;
        // Update utilizations given the currentMonitoringTime
        this.monitor.currentMonitoringTime =;

        var events = ['initialize', 'react', 'wrapup'];
        for (var event in events) {
            if (this.monitor[events[event]].latestEnd > this.monitor[events[event]].latestStart) {
                var latestUtilizationTime = this.monitor[events[event]].utilization * 
                    (this.monitor[events[event]].latestEnd - this.monitor.startMonitoringTime);
                this.monitor[events[event]].utilization = latestUtilizationTime / 
                    (this.monitor.currentMonitoringTime - this.monitor.startMonitoringTime);
            } else if (this.monitor[events[event]].latestStart > this.monitor[events[event]].latestEnd) {
                var latestUtilizationTime = this.monitor[events[event]].utilization * 
                    (this.monitor[events[event]].latestEnd - this.monitor.startMonitoringTime);
                this.monitor[events[event]].utilization = latestUtilizationTime + 
                    (this.monitor.currentMonitoringTime - this.monitor[events[event]].latestStart);
                this.monitor[events[event]].utilization /= 
                    (this.monitor.currentMonitoringTime - this.monitor.startMonitoringTime);

        this.monitor.utilization = this.monitor.initialize.utilization +
            this.monitor.react.utilization + 
        if (this.monitoringDeeply) {
            this.monitor.containedAccessors = [];
            if (this.containedAccessors && this.containedAccessors.length > 0) {
                for (var i = 0; i < this.containedAccessors.length; i++) {

    return this.monitor;

/** Return the name of the accessor.
 *  @return The accessor's name.
Accessor.prototype.getName = function() {
    return this.accessorName;

/** Default implementation of this.getParameter(), which reads the current value of the
 *  parameter provided by this.setParameter(), or the default value if none has been provided,
 *  or null if neither has been provided.
 *  @param name The name of the parameter.
Accessor.prototype.getParameter = function (name) {
    var parameter = this.parameters[name];
    if (!parameter) {
        throw new Error('getParameter(name): No parameter named ' + name);
    // If this.setParameter() has been called, return that value.
    if (typeof parameter.currentValue !== 'undefined' && parameter.currentValue !== null) {
        return parameter.currentValue;
    // If necessary, convert the value to the match the type.
    var value = parameter.value;
    value = convertType(value, parameter, name);
    return value;

/** Default implement of the this.getResource() function, which throws an exception stating
 *  that getResource is not supported.
Accessor.prototype.getResource = function () {
    throw new Error('This swarmlet host does not support this.getResource().');

/** Given a JavaScript exception, return the stack.
 *  Hosts could extend this method in their localFunctions.js file to
 *  return a host-specific stack trace.
 *  @param exception The JavaScript exception
 *  @return In commonHost.js, return exception.stack.
Accessor.prototype.hostStackTrace = function (exception) {
    return exception.stack;

/** Default implement of the httpRequest() function, which throws an exception stating
 *  that httpRequest is not supported.
 *  Note that this function is deprecated in the Accessor Specification version 1,
 *  but we include it here anyway.
Accessor.prototype.httpRequest = function () {
    throw new Error('This swarmlet host does not support httpRequest().');

/** Implement the specified accessor interface, inheriting its inputs, outputs,
 *  and parameters as defined in its setup() function.
 *  This will throw an exception if no getAccessorCode() function
 *  has not been specified.
 *  @param accessorClass Fully qualified accessor class name, e.g. 'net/REST'.
Accessor.prototype.implement = function (accessorClass) {
    // NOTE: This function should not need to be overriden by any host.
    if (!this.getAccessorCode) {
        throw new Error('implement() is not supported by this swarmlet host.');

    var interfaceName = this.accessorName + '_' + accessorClass;

    // Create an instance of the accessor this is implementing.
    var extendedInstance = instantiateAccessor(
        interfaceName, accessorClass, this.getAccessorCode, this.bindings, null, this);

/** Default implementation of the function to define an accessor input.
 *  Accessors that override this should probably invoke this default explicitly
 *  by referencing the prototype.
 *  @param name The name of the input.
 *  @param options The options for the input.
Accessor.prototype.input = function (name, options) {
    if (!this || !this.inputList) {
        throw new Error('Function input() is being called without "this" being defined. ' +
                        'Perhaps use "this.input(...)" instead of "input(...)".');
    // The input may have been previously defined in a base accessor.
    pushIfNotPresent(name, this.inputList);
    this.inputs[name] = mergeObjects(this.inputs[name], options);

/** Instantiate the specified accessor given its class name. By default, the new 
 *  accessor is instantiated as a contained one. But if standAlone parameter is 
 *  provided and set to true, then the new accessor will not be contained.
 *  This will throw an exception if no getAccessorCode() function
 *  has been specified.
 *  @param instanceName A name to give to this instance, which will be prepended
 *   with the container name, separated by a period. If the container already
 *   contains an object with that name, then an index will be appended to the name,
 *   starting with 2, to ensure that the name is unique in the container.
 *  @param accessorClass Fully qualified accessor class name, e.g. 'net/REST'.
 *  @param standAlone Indicates whether the new accessor will be standalone or 
 *   contained.
 *  @return return the new instance
Accessor.prototype.instantiate = function (instanceName, accessorClass, standAlone) {
    if (!this.getAccessorCode) {
        throw new Error('instantiate() is not supported by this swarmlet host.');
    if (!accessorClass) {
        throw new Error('instantiate(): Must specify an accessorClass.');
    // For functions that access ports, etc., we want the default implementation
    // when instantiating the contained accessor.
    var insideBindings = this.getDefaultInsideBindings(accessorClass);
    instanceName = this.accessorName + '.' + instanceName;
    instanceName = uniqueName(instanceName, this);
    var instance = instantiateAccessor(
        instanceName, accessorClass, this.getAccessorCode, insideBindings);
    if (!standAlone) {
        instance.container = this;
    return instance;

/** Instantiate the specified accessor as a contained accessor given the code
 *  that implements the accessor.
 *  @param instanceName A name to give to this instance, which will be prepended
 *   with the container name, separated by a period. If the container already
 *   contains an object with that name, then an index will be appended to the name,
 *   starting with 2, to ensure that the name is unique in the container.
 *  @param code The code for the accessor.
 *  @param standAlone Indicates whether the new accessor will be standalone or 
 *   contained by this accessor.
 *  @return return the new instance
Accessor.prototype.instantiateFromCode = function (instanceName, code, standAlone) {
    // Only need the getAccessorCode function if the code uses inheritance, so
    // we don't require it.
    var getAccessorCode = null;
    if (this.getAccessorCode) {
        getAccessorCode = this.getAccessorCode;
    // For functions that access ports, etc., we want the default implementation
    // when instantiating the contained accessor.
    var bindings = this.getDefaultInsideBindings(null);

    instanceName = this.accessorName + '.' + instanceName;
    instanceName = uniqueName(instanceName, this);

    // Last two arguments are extendedBy and implementedBy
    // None of these apply.
    var instance = new Accessor(
        instanceName, code, getAccessorCode, bindings, null, null);
    if (!standAlone) {
        instance.container = this;
    return instance;

/** Return true if this accessor has been initialized.
 *  @return True if this accessor has been initialized.
Accessor.prototype.isInitialized = function() {
    return this.initialized;

/** Return the latest value produced on this output, or null if no
 *  output has been produced.
 *  @param name The name of the output.
 *  @return The latest value produced on this output.
Accessor.prototype.latestOutput = function (name) {
    if (!this.outputs[name]) {
        throw new Error('lastestOutput(): No output named ' + name);
    // console.log('Retrieving latest output from ' + name + ': ' + this.outputs[name].latestOutput);
    return this.outputs[name].latestOutput;

/** Default module identifier for accessors.
 *  CommonJS specification requires a 'module' object with an 'id' property
 *  and an optional 'uri' property. The spec says that should be
 *  a valid argument to require(). Here, we are just given the JavaScript
 *  code, so we don't have any information about where it came from.
 *  Hence, we set a default id to 'unspecified', with the expectation that the
 *  code passed in will override that, and possibly the uri property.
Accessor.prototype.module = {
    'id': 'unspecified'

/** Default implementation of the function to define a mutable accessor.
 *  If this is a mutable accessor, then add attributes to the accessor, such
 *  as isMutable, state, inputs and outputs Map objects and the reifying
 *  accessor.
 *  @param value The value, which should be 'true' in case this a mutable
Accessor.prototype.mutable = function (value) {
    // Here, we have to use this.root because of the prototype chain.
    var thiz = this.root;
    if (value) {
        thiz.isMutable = true;
        thiz.state = 'unreified';
        // Mapping objects to be used for mapping ports.
        thiz.inputsMap = {};
        thiz.outputsMap = {};
        // Reference to the reified accessor among all contained accessors
        thiz.reifyingAccessor = null;

/** Define an accessor output.
 *  @param name The name of the output.
 *  @param options The options.
Accessor.prototype.output = function (name, options) {
    if (!this || !this.outputList) {
        throw new Error('Function output() is being called without "this" being defined. ' +
                        'Perhaps use "this.output(...)" instead of "output(...)".');
    // The output may have been previously defined in a base accessor.
    pushIfNotPresent(name, this.outputList);
    this.outputs[name] = mergeObjects(this.outputs[name], options);

/** Define an accessor parameter.
 *  @param name The name of the parameter.
 *  @param options The options.
Accessor.prototype.parameter = function (name, options) {
    if (!this || !this.parameterList) {
        throw new Error('Function parameter() is being called without "this" being defined. ' +
                        'Perhaps use "this.parameter(...)" instead of "parameter(...)".');
    // The parameter may have been previously defined in a base accessor.
    pushIfNotPresent(name, this.parameterList);
    this.parameters[name] = mergeObjects(this.parameters[name], options);

/** Set an input of this accessor to the specified value.
 *  If this accessor has a container, then schedule an event using scheduleEvent()
 *  so that a reaction of the container is requested and that reaction triggers
 *  a reaction of this accessor to respond to the input.
 *  This function will perform conversions to the destination port type, if possible.
 *  For example, if a number is expected, but a string is provided, then it will
 *  attempt to parse the string to create a number.
 *  @param name The name of the input to set.
 *  @param value The value to set the input to.
Accessor.prototype.provideInput = function (name, value) {
    var input = this.inputs[name];
    if (!input) {
        throw new Error('provideInput(): Accessor has no input named ' + name);

    // If input.pendingHandler is true, then this value should be
    // queued rather than overwriting the currentValue. Then at the end of
    // react, or when pendingHandler is reset, the value should be extracted
    // from the queue and provideInput() should be called again.
    if (input.pendingHandler) {
        if (!input.queuedInputs) {
            input.queuedInputs = [];

    value = convertType(value, input, name);
    input.currentValue = value;

    // Mark this input as requiring invocation of an input handler.
    // But be careful: If the value is null and the port has no default
    // value, then this is being called to indicate that there is _no_
    // input. The accessor specification says that if there is a default
    // value, then sending null to the port _will_ trigger an event handler.
    if (value !== null || (typeof input.value !== 'undefined' && input.value !== null)) {
        input.pendingHandler = true;
        // If there is a container accessor, then put this accessor in its
        // event queue for handling in its fire() function.
        if (this.container) {
            // Pass the priority of this accessor to schedule the event
            this.container.scheduleEvent(this, this.priority);

        // If the input is connected on the inside, then provide the same input
        // to the destination(s).
        if (input.destinations) {
            for (var i = 0; i < input.destinations.length; i++) {
                var destination = input.destinations[i];
                if (typeof destination === 'string') {
                    // The destination is output port of this accessor.
                    this.send(destination, value);
                } else {
                    // The destination is an input port of a contained accessor.
                    destination.accessor.provideInput(destination.inputName, value);

/** Invoke any registered handlers for all inputs or for a specified input.
 *  Also invoke any handlers that have been registered to respond to any input,
 *  if there are any such handlers.
 *  If no input name is given, or the name is null, then invoke handlers for
 *  all inputs that have been provided with input value using provideInput()
 *  since the last time input handlers were invoked.
 *  Also, if any contained accessors have events scheduled using scheduleEvent(),
 *  then invoke their react() functions in priority order.
 *  Also invoke the fire function of the accessor, if one has been defined.
 *  If a handler throws an exception, then remove it from the registered
 *  handlers before rethrowing the exception.
 *  @param name Name of a specific input to handle.
Accessor.prototype.react = function (name) {

    var thiz = this.root;

    // Mark that there is no pending reaction so that if this reaction has
    // actions that require further reactions, those will be scheduled.
    thiz.reactRequestedAlready = false;

    // To avoid code duplication, define a local function.
    var invokeSpecificHandler = function (name) {

        if (thiz.inputHandlers[name] && thiz.inputHandlers[name].length > 0) {
            // When calling stop, there is a chance that "removed[0].react()" below
            // will fail with 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined',
            // so we check to see if thiz.inputHandlers[name] is defined.
            for (var i = 0; thiz.inputHandlers[name] && i < thiz.inputHandlers[name].length; i++) {
                if (typeof thiz.inputHandlers[name][i] === 'function') {
                    // Input handlers functions are bound to the exports object.
                    try {
                    } catch (exception) {
                        // Remove the input handler.
                        if (thiz.inputHandlers && thiz.inputHandlers[name]) {
                        // Throw an Error here instead of calling error() so that
                        // if TrainableTest.wrapup() throws an Error because
                        // the input does not match the training data, then we
                        // don't ignore the error in commonHost.error().

                        throw new Error('commonHost.js, react(), invoking a specific handler for \"' +
                                        name + '\": Exception occurred in input handler for accessor ' +
                                        thiz.accessorName +
                                        ', which has now has been removed.  Exception was: ' +
                                        exception +
                                        ' Stacktrace was: ' + thiz.hostStackTrace(exception));

    if (name) {
        // Handling a specific input.
        // console.log("commonHost.js: react(" + name + "): Handling a specific input.");
    } else {
        // No specific input has been given.
        // Invoke pending inputHandlers.  An accessor might send to its own
        // inputs, so repeat until there are no more pending handlers.
        //console.log("commonHost.js: react(" + name + "): no specific input has been given.");
        var moreInputsPossiblyAvailable = true;
        while (moreInputsPossiblyAvailable) {
            moreInputsPossiblyAvailable = false;
            for (var i = 0; i < thiz.inputList.length; i++) {
                name = thiz.inputList[i];
                var input = thiz.inputs[name];
                if (input.pendingHandler) {
                    input.pendingHandler = false;
                    // The handler may send data to an input of this same accessor,
                    // so it is possible that after invoking the handler, there will
                    // be more inputs available.
                    moreInputsPossiblyAvailable = true;

                    // If there are queued inputs for this port, then dequeue
                    // them here.
                    if (input.queuedInputs && input.queuedInputs.length> 0) {
                        var value = input.queuedInputs.shift();
                        thiz.provideInput(name, value);
    // Next, invoke handlers registered to handle any input.
    //console.log("commonHost.js: react(" + name + "): invoke handlers registered to handle any input");
    if (thiz.anyInputHandlers.length > 0) {
        for (var j = 0; j < thiz.anyInputHandlers.length; j++) {
            if (typeof thiz.anyInputHandlers[j] === 'function') {
                // Call input handlers in the context of the exports object.
                try {
                } catch (exception) {
                    // Remove the input handler.
                    thiz.error('commonHost.js, react() invoking handlers registered to handle any input: Exception occurred in input handler,' +
                               ' which has now has been removed.  Exception was: ' +
                               exception +
                               ' Stacktrace was: ' + thiz.hostStackTrace(exception));

    // Next, invoke react() on any contained accessors.
    if (thiz.containedAccessors && thiz.containedAccessors.length > 0) {
        //console.log('commonHost.js react(' + name + '): Composite is reacting with ' + thiz.eventQueue.length + ' events.');
        while (thiz.eventQueue && thiz.eventQueue.length > 0) {
            // Remove from the event queue the first accessor, which will now react.
            // It may add itself back in, if it sends to its own input. But in that
            // case, it should fire again immediately, so that is correct.
            var removed = thiz.eventQueue.splice(0, 1);

    // Next, invoke the fire() function.
    if (typeof === 'function') {
        //console.log('commonHost.js react(' + name + '): invoking fire');;
    // Reset the currentValue of all the inputs so that they don't accidentally
    // become persistent.
    for (var input in thiz.inputs) {
        thiz.inputs[input].currentValue = null;


/** Default implement of the readURL function, which throws an exception stating
 *  that readURL is not supported.
 *  Note that this function is deprecated in the Accessor Specification version 1,
 *  but we include it here anyway.
Accessor.prototype.readURL = function () {
    throw new Error('This swarmlet host does not support readURL().');

/** Reifies the accessor given as an argument. The argument can be an object instance 
 *  of accessor, a string describing a fully qualified accessor class or path, a 
 *  string with the accessor code, or an object with the properties "accessor", 
 *  "parameterMap", and "inputMap".
 *  In the last case, the value of the accessor property should be any
 *  of the previous accessor formats and parameterMap/inputMap should be an object mapping
 *  parameters/default input of the accessor to values.
 *  If instantiating the accessor succeeds, then reification will consist of:
 *  ** removing previous reification, if any,
 *  ** establishing containment,
 *  ** connecting the port of the reifying accessor,
 *  ** setting parameters and default inputs of the reifying accessor according
 *   to the parameterMap and inputMap (if provided) and,
 *  ** initializing the reifying accessor.
 *  @param accessor This argument can be either an accessor instance, a fully 
 *   qualified accessor class, an accessor code, or an object with "accessor",
 *   "parameterMap", and "inputMap" properties.
 *  @return true if the reification was achieved successfully, false otherwise.
Accessor.prototype.reify = function (accessor) {
    // Here, we have to use this.root because of the prototype chain.
    var thiz = this.root;
    // Check that this is a mutable accessor
    if (!thiz.isMutable) {
        thiz.error('Cannot call reify on an accessor that is not Mutable.');
        return false;

    // If no accessor is provided, then unreify, wrapup and return
    if (!accessor) {
        // No accessor specified.
        // Remove previous reification, if any.
        // Unregister any input handlers for this Mutable.
        return false;

    var accessorInstance;
    var isNewAccessor = true;
    var instanceName = this.accessorName + '.' + "tempAccessorName";
    instanceName = uniqueName(instanceName, this);

    // If given an object input, extract the accessor argument and parameterMap
    var accessorArg;
    var parameterMap = null;
    var inputMap = null;

    // Note in javascript (typeof null === 'object') and this is a different case
    if(typeof accessor === 'object' && accessor !== null &&
            accessor.accessor && accessor.parameterMap && accessor.inputMap){
        accessorArg = accessor.accessor;
        parameterMap = accessor.parameterMap;
        inputMap = accessor.inputMap;
    } else {
        accessorArg = accessor;

    // Check the accessorArg argument type.
    if (accessorArg.accessorName) {
        // An accessor object is provided.
        accessorInstance = accessorArg;
        isNewAccessor = false;
    } else if (typeof accessorArg === 'string') {
        // Attempt to instantiate the accessor
        try {
            // Check to see if the argument is a class name.  
            var accessorClass = accessorArg;
            accessorInstance = thiz.instantiate(instanceName, accessorClass, true);
        } catch(e) {
            try {
                // Check to see if the argument is accessor code.
                var accessorCode = accessorArg;
                accessorInstance = thiz.instantiateFromCode(instanceName, accessorCode, true);
            } catch(ee) {
                thiz.error('Reify argument is not a valid accessor object, accessor class, or accessor code: ' + ee);
                return false;
    } else {
        thiz.error("Argument is not an accessor: " + util.inspect(accessorArg));
        return false;

    // Remove previous reification, if any
    // Add the accessor to the list of all accessors if it is a new one
    // FIXME: Do we really need this?
    if (isNewAccessor && accessorInstance) {

    // Establish reference to the reified accessor and containment
    thiz.reifyingAccessor = accessorInstance;
    accessorInstance.container = thiz;

    var myInputInList, myInput, accInputInList, accInput;
    // Look for mapping the accessor instance inputs to the mutable accesssor inputs
    for (var i = 0; i < accessorInstance.inputList.length; i++) {
        accInputInList = accessorInstance.inputList[i];
        accInput = accessorInstance.inputs[accInputInList];

        myInputInList = thiz.inputList[thiz.inputList.indexOf(accInputInList)];
        myInput = thiz.inputs[myInputInList];

        // Check the input name
        if (myInputInList) {
            if (accInput.type && myInput.type) {
                if (accInput.type === myInput.type) {
                    // FIXME: type checking should be augmented by sub-typing checking
                    thiz.inputsMap[myInputInList] = accInputInList;
                } else {
                    // If the types do not match, then no mapping
            } else {    
                thiz.inputsMap[myInputInList] = accInputInList;
    var outputsMatch = true;

    // Look for mapping the mutable accesssor outputs to the accessor instance outputs
    for (var i = 0; i < thiz.outputList.length; i++) {
        var myOutputInList = thiz.outputList[i];
        var myOutput = thiz.outputs[myOutputInList];

        var accOutputInList = accessorInstance.outputList[accessorInstance.outputList.indexOf(myOutputInList)];
        var accOutput = accessorInstance.outputs[accOutputInList];

        // Check the output name
        if (accOutputInList) {
            if (accOutput.type && myOutput.type) {
                if (accOutput.type === myOutput.type) {
                    // FIXME: type checking should be augmented by sub-typing checking
                    thiz.outputsMap[accOutputInList] = myOutputInList;
                } else {
                    // If the types do not match, then no mapping
                    thiz.error('Output name for reifying accessor matches, but not the type: '
                            + accOutputInList);
                    outputsMatch = false;
            } else {    
                thiz.outputsMap[accOutputInList] = myOutputInList;

    // Establish the connections
    Object.keys(thiz.inputsMap).forEach(function (key) {
        thiz.connect(key, accessorInstance, thiz.inputsMap[key]);
    Object.keys(thiz.outputsMap).forEach(function (key) {
        thiz.connect(accessorInstance, key, thiz.outputsMap[key]);
    if (!outputsMatch) {
        return false;

    // Now that we have a new contained accessor, we need to recalculate
    // priorities.

    // Set accessor parameters according to parameterMap (if provided)
        for(var param in parameterMap){
                accessorInstance.setParameter(param, parameterMap[param]);

    // Set accessor default input values according to inputMap (if provided)
        for(var defaultInput in inputMap){
                accessorInstance.setDefault(defaultInput, inputMap[defaultInput]);

    // Update: Initialize is now performed by mutableBase, to allow additional control
    // over when intialization happens by a mutable.

    // Update the mutable accessor state and history
    thiz.state = 'reified';

    return true;

/** Remove the input handler with the specified handle, if it exists.
 *  @param handle The handle.
 *  @see #addInputHandler()
Accessor.prototype.removeInputHandler = function (handle) {
    var thiz = this.root;
    var handler = thiz.inputHandlersIndex[handle];
    if (handler) {
        if ( {
            if (thiz.inputHandlers[] &&
                thiz.inputHandlers[][handler.index]) {
                thiz.inputHandlers[][handler.index] = null;
        } else {
            // Handler is set up to handle any input.
            if (thiz.anyInputHandlers[handler.index]) {
                thiz.anyInputHandlers[handler.index] = null;
        thiz.inputHandlersIndex[handle] = null;

/** Default implement of the require function, which throws an exception stating
 *  that require is not supported.
Accessor.prototype.require = function () {
    // Print a stack trace.
    var e = new Error('This swarmlet host does not support require().');
    var stack = e.stack.replace(/^[^\(]+?[\n$]/gm, '')
        .replace(/^\s+at\s+/gm, '')
        .replace(/^Object.<anonymous>\s*\(/gm, '{anonymous}()@')
    throw e;

/** Schedule a reaction of the specified contained accessor,
 *  unless such a reaction has already been scheduled and has not
 *  yet occurred.
 *  This puts the accessor onto the event queue in priority order.
 *  This assumes that priorities are unique to each accessor.
 *  As a side effect, this function schedules a reaction of this
 *  container accessor using setTimeout with timeout 0 unless
 *  there is already such a pending reaction request.
 *  @param accessor The accessor.
 *  @param priority an optional argument passing the priority for scheduling the reaction
Accessor.prototype.scheduleEvent = function (accessor, priority) {
    //console.log(this.accessorName + ' is scheduling an event for accessor '+ accessor.accessorName + ' with priority: '+priority);

    var thiz = this.root;
    var queue = thiz.eventQueue;

    // If we have not already requested a reaction for this container
    // accessor, do so now.
    // If there is a container accessor, then put this accessor in its
    // event queue for handling in its react() function.
    if (thiz.container) {
        if (priority) {
            thiz.container.scheduleEvent(this, priority);
        } else {
            thiz.container.scheduleEvent(this, thiz.priority);
    } else {
        // The container has no container, so request a reaction if one
        // has not already been requested.
        if (!thiz.reactRequestedAlready) {
            thiz.reactRequestedAlready = true;
            if (priority) {
                if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
                    thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                    }, 0, null, priority);
                } else {
                    thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                    }, 0);
            } else {
                if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
                    thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                    }, 0, null, thiz.priority);
                } else {
                    thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                    }, 0);

    // In the Nashorn host, queue can be undefined.
    if (typeof queue === 'undefined' || !queue || queue.length === 0) {
        // Use a simple array as an event queue because almost all
        // sorted insertions will be at the end, and all extractions
        // will be at the beginning.
        thiz.eventQueue = [accessor];
    // There are already items in the event queue.
    var myPriority = accessor.priority;
    if (typeof myPriority !== 'number') {
        throw new Error('Accessor does not have a priority: ' +
                        accessor.accessorName +
                        '. Perhaps initialize() is overridden?');
    // Recall that a higher priority number means a lower priority.
    var theirPriority = queue[queue.length - 1].priority;
    if (myPriority > theirPriority) {
        // Simple case. Append to the end of the queue.
    if (myPriority == theirPriority) {
        // Already on the queue.
    // More complicated case. Insert into the queue.
    // Here we just search from the end.
    // This is not efficient for random access, but these insertions are
    // expected to occur in priority order anyway.
    // Insertions are likely to be near the end.
    for (var i = queue.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        theirPriority = queue[i].priority;
        if (myPriority > theirPriority) {
            // Insert at location i+1, removing 0 elements.
            queue.splice(i + 1, 0, accessor);
        if (myPriority == theirPriority) {
            // Already on the queue.
    // Final case: My priority is less than all in the queue.
    queue.splice(0, 0, accessor);

/** Send via an output. This default implementation invokes provideInput() on any
 *  connected inputs if there are any. It also records the output for retrieval
 *  by latestOutput().
 *  @param name The output name.
 *  @param value The output value.
Accessor.prototype.send = function (name, value) {
    // console.log(this.accessorName + ' is sending ' + value + ' on output: '+name);
    var thiz = this.root;
    var output = thiz.outputs[name];
    if (!output) {
        // May be sending to my own input.
        var input = thiz.inputs[name];
        if (!input) {
            throw new Error('send(name, value): No output or input named ' + name);
        // Make the input available in the _next_ reaction.
        if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
            thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                thiz.provideInput(name, value);
                // If this accessor has a container, then provideInput()
                // above will take care of scheduling a future reaction.
                // However, if it has no container, then no such reaction
                // will be requested. Request that reaction here.
                if (!thiz.container) {
                    if (!thiz.reactRequestedAlready) {
                        thiz.reactRequestedAlready = true;
                        if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
                            thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                            }, 0, null, thiz.priority);
                        } else {
                            thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                            }, 0);
            }, 0, null, thiz.priority);
        } else {
            thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                thiz.provideInput(name, value);
                // If this accessor has a container, then provideInput()
                // above will take care of scheduling a future reaction.
                // However, if it has no container, then no such reaction
                // will be requested. Request that reaction here.
                if (!thiz.container) {
                    if (!thiz.reactRequestedAlready) {
                        thiz.reactRequestedAlready = true;
                        if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
                            thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                            }, 0, null, thiz.priority);
                        } else {
                            thiz.setTimeoutDeterministic(function () {
                            }, 0);
            }, 0);
    // If necessary, convert the value to the match the type.
    value = convertType(value, output, name);

    output.latestOutput = value;
    this.emit('output', name, value);
    // console.log('Sending output through ' + name + ': ' + value);
    if (output.destinations && output.destinations.length > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < output.destinations.length; i++) {
            var destination = output.destinations[i];
            if (typeof destination === 'string') {
                // The destination is output port of this accessor.
                if (thiz.container) {
                    thiz.container.send(destination, value);
                } else {
                    // If no other implementation of this.send() has been provided and
                    // there is no container, this used to produce to standard output.
                    // But this is not a good idea, because hosts should invoke this
                    // superclass function in their own this.send(), and this will produce
                    // a lot of noise on the console.
                    // console.log('Output named "' + name + '" produced: ' + value);
            } else {
                // The destination is an input port of a contained accessor.
                destination.accessor.provideInput(destination.inputName, value);
    } else {
        // If no other implementation of this.send() has been provided and
        // there are no destinations, this used to produce to standard output.
        // But this is not a good idea, because hosts should invoke this
        // superclass function in their own this.send(), and this will produce
        // a lot of noise on the console.
        // console.log('Output named "' + name + '" produced: ' + value);

/** Set the default value of an input. Note that unlike
 *  using this.send(), no input handler will be triggered.
 *  Also, unlike this.send(), the provided value will be persistent,
 *  in that once it is set, the host will store the new value along with the model.
 *  @param name The input name (a string).
 *  @param value The value to set.
Accessor.prototype.setDefault = function (name, value) {
    if (typeof name !== 'string') {
        throw new Error('input argument is required to be a string. Got: ' + (typeof name));
    var input = this.inputs[name];
    if (!input) {
        throw new Error('setDefault(): Accessor has no input named ' + name);
    value = convertType(value, input, name);
    input.value = value;

/** When an accessor extends another accessor, this function can be used to set the default
 *  input values of the extended instance.
 *  This function is similar to this.input() but should not create a new one. It rises an
 *  error if the given input name does not already exist.
 *  It is important to note that unlike using this.setDefault, the value (second argument)
 *  is assigned as a default object value (using mergeObjects function rather than the
 *  attribute 'value'). And just like this.setDefault(), the new object value will be
 *  persistent.
 *  This function is to be used to set
 *  @param name The input name (a string).
 *  @param value The value of the input object to set.
Accessor.prototype.setDefaultInput = function (name, value) {
    if (typeof name !== 'string') {
        throw new Error('Input argument is required to be a string. Got: ' + (typeof name));
    var input = this.inputs[name];
    if (!input) {
        throw new Error('setDefaultInput(): Accessor has no input named ' + name);
    this.inputs[name] = mergeObjects(this.inputs[name], value);

/** Creates a new delayed periodic callback using the deterministic temporal semantics.
 *  The callback identifier is then added to the list of timers of the accessor,
 *  and returned.    
 *  @param callback the callback function
 *  @param timeout the timeout of the asynchronous execution
 *  @param llcd An optional argument for the labeled logical clock domain
 *  @param priority An optional argument for the priority over other delayed callbacks. If not
 *   provided, the value is defaulted to the accessor priority
 *  @return the unique Id of setTimeout call
Accessor.prototype.setIntervalDeterministic = function(callback, timeout, llcd, priority) {

    var thiz = this;
    var tempo;
    var tempPriority, errorCallback, cleanCallback;
    // Set default values for priority, errorCallback and cleanCallback
    if (priority === null) {
        tempPriority = thiz.priority;
    } else {
        tempPriority = priority;
    errorCallback = thiz.error.bind(thiz);
    cleanCallback = thiz.cleanTimersAfterExecution.bind(thiz);

    tempo = deterministicTemporalSemantics.setIntervalDet(callback, timeout, llcd, tempPriority, errorCallback, cleanCallback);
    // Add the delayed callback identifier to the Accessors timers
    // This is useful for resetting timers when wrapping up
    thiz.timers[tempo] = true;

    return tempo;

/** Set a parameter of the specified accessor to the specified value.
 *  @param name The name of the parameter to set.
 *  @param value The value to set the parameter to.
Accessor.prototype.setParameter = function (name, value) {
    var parameter = this.parameters[name];
    if (!parameter) {
        throw new Error('setParameter(): Accessor ' +
                        this.accessorName +
                        ' has no parameter named ' + name +
                        ' Perhaps it is an input and you should use setDefault()?');
    // If necessary, convert the value to the match the type.
    value = convertType(value, parameter, name);

    parameter.currentValue = value;

/** Creates a new delayed one time callback using the deterministic temporal semantics.
 *  The callback identifier is then added to the list of timers of the accessor,
 *  and returned.    
 *  @param callback the callback function
 *  @param timeout the timeout of the asynchronous execution
 *  @param llcd An optional argument for the labeled logical clock domain
 *  @param priority An optional argument for the priority over other delayed callbacks. If not
 *   provided, the value is defaulted to the accessor priority
 *  @return the unique Id of setTimeout call
Accessor.prototype.setTimeoutDeterministic = function(callback, timeout, llcd, priority) {
    var thiz = this;
    var tempo;
    var tempPriority, errorCallback, cleanCallback;

    // Set default values for priority, errorCallback and cleanCallback
    if (priority === null) {
        tempPriority = thiz.priority;
    } else {
        tempPriority = priority;
    errorCallback = thiz.error.bind(thiz);
    cleanCallback = thiz.cleanTimersAfterExecution.bind(thiz);

    tempo = deterministicTemporalSemantics.setTimeoutDet(callback, timeout, llcd, tempPriority, errorCallback, cleanCallback);
    // Add the delayed callback identifier to the Accessors timers
    // This is useful for resetting timers when wrapping up
    thiz.timers[tempo] = true;
    return tempo;

/** Starts monitoring the accessor behavior. For this, a monitor object is created/
 *  reinitialized. The monitor object records the start monitoring time, end 
 *  monitoring time, total utilization and monitor objects for each of the events
 *  'initialize', 'react' and 'wrapup'. Listeners are added to the events. 
 *  If deeply parameter is set, then all the contained accessors will also call 
 *  startMonitoring.
 *  @param: deeply Boolean value. If set to true, it indicates to start monitoring 
 *   all contained accessors.
Accessor.prototype.startMonitoring = function(deeply) {
    var thiz = this;

    // Construct the monitor object
    this.monitor = {};
    this.monitor.utilization = 0;
    this.monitor.startMonitoringTime =;

    // Monitoring initialize events
    this.monitor.initialize = {
        'count': 0,
        'utilization': 0,
        'latestStart': 0,
        'latestEnd': 0

    // Monitoring react events
    this.monitor.react = {
        'count': 0,
        'utilization': 0,
        'latestStart': 0,
        'latestEnd': 0

    // Monitoring wrapup events
    this.monitor.wrapup = {
        'count': 0,
        'utilization': 0,
        'latestStart': 0,
        'latestEnd': 0

    // If needed, start monitoring all contained accessors.
    if (deeply) {
        this.monitoringDeeply = true;
        if (this.containedAccessors && this.containedAccessors.length > 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.containedAccessors.length; i++) {
    } else {
        this.monitoringDeeply = false;

    if (this.monitoring) {
        // Already monitoring. Just reset as above.

    // Add to each event listeners for 'start' and 'end'
    this.monitoring = true;
    thiz.addListener('initializeStart', _recordEventStart.bind(thiz, 'initialize'));
    thiz.addListener('initializeEnd', _recordEventEnd.bind(thiz, 'initialize'));
    thiz.addListener('reactStart', _recordEventStart.bind(thiz, 'react'));
    thiz.addListener('reactEnd', _recordEventEnd.bind(thiz, 'react'));
    thiz.addListener('wrapupStart', _recordEventStart.bind(thiz, 'wrapup'));
    thiz.addListener('wrapupEnd', _recordEventEnd.bind(thiz, 'wrapup'));

/** Stop execution of the enclosing swarmlet by finding the top-level
 *  accessor and invoking wrapup() on it.
Accessor.prototype.stop = function () {
    // Schedule the stop event after finishing the already scheduled events
    var container = this;
    // Find the top-level container.
    while (container.container) {
        container = container.container;
    if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
        container.setTimeoutDeterministic(function() {
            // console.log('Executing stop');
        }, 0, null, this.priority);
    } else {
        container.setTimeoutDeterministic(function() {
            // console.log('Executing stop');
        }, 0);

/** Stop execution of the enclosing swarmlet by finding the top-level
 *  accessor and invoking wrapup() on it.
 *  @param timeout When this time is reached, stop() is called.
Accessor.prototype.stopAt = function (timeout) {
    this.stopAtTime = timeout;
    var self = this;
    if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
        self.setTimeoutDeterministic(function() {
        }, timeout, null, self.priority);
    } else {
        self.setTimeoutDeterministic(function() {
        }, timeout);

/** Stops monitoring the accessor's status. After the monitoring stop time is set,
 *  all events utilizations are updated based on the monitoring stop time, listeners 
 *  are removed, and monitoring is stopped for all contained accessors. Finally, 
 *  monitor object is returned.
 *  @return the accessor's monitor object.
Accessor.prototype.stopMonitoring = function() {
    var thiz = this;
    var monitor = this.getMonitoring();

    if (this.monitoring) {
        this.monitor.stopMonitoringTime = this.monitor.currentMonitoringTime;
        this.monitoring = false;
        this.monitoringDeeply = false;

        // Remove listeners
        this.removeListener('initializeStart', _recordEventStart.bind(thiz, 'initialize'));
        this.removeListener('initializeEnd', _recordEventEnd.bind(thiz, 'initialize'));
        this.removeListener('reactStart', _recordEventStart.bind(thiz, 'react'));
        this.removeListener('reactEnd', _recordEventEnd.bind(thiz, 'react'));
        this.removeListener('wrapupStart', _recordEventStart.bind(thiz, 'wrapup'));
        this.removeListener('wrapupEnd', _recordEventEnd.bind(thiz, 'wrapup'));

        // Stop monitoring of all contained accessors
        if (this.containedAccessors && this.containedAccessors.length > 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i < this.containedAccessors.length; i++) {
                if (this.containedAccessors[i].monitoring) {
    return monitor;

/** Unreifies the mutable accessor. Therefore, containment relation is removed.
 *  Then the connections between both objects and between their corresponding 
 *  inputs and outputs are removed. And finally the contained accessor wrapup.
 *  @return True is the mutable was successfully unreified, false otherwise
Accessor.prototype.unreify = function () {
    // Here, we have to use this.root because of the prototype chain.
    var thiz = this.root;

    // Check if there is already a reification
    if (!thiz.reifyingAccessor) {
        return false;

    // Remove the containment relationship and wrapup
    var acc = thiz.reifyingAccessor;
    if (acc.container) {
        acc.container = null;

    // Disconnect the mutable accessor from the reifying one
    Object.keys(thiz.inputsMap).forEach(function (key) {
        thiz.disconnect(key, acc, thiz.inputsMap[key]);
    Object.keys(thiz.outputsMap).forEach(function (key) {
        thiz.disconnect(acc, key, thiz.outputsMap[key]);

    // Empty mapping objects and dereference the reifyingAccessor
    thiz.inputsMap = {};
    thiz.outputsMap = {};
    thiz.reifyingAccessor = null;

    // Update the mutable accessor state and history
    thiz.state = 'unreified';

    return true;

//// Listeners functions.

/** Callback to be executed upon listing to the event name end.
 *  This function is binded to the accessor's instance, when adding the listener.
 *  @param event Name of the listened event that ended
var _recordEventEnd = function(event) {
    var end =;

    if (this.monitor[event].latestStart != 0) {
        // Amount of time in reactions prior to this reaction
        var timePrior = this.monitor[event].latestEnd - this.monitor.startMonitoringTime;
        timePrior *=  Number(this.monitor[event].utilization);

        // Amount of time in this reaction
        var timeThis = end - Number(this.monitor[event].latestStart);

        this.monitor[event].utilization = timePrior + timeThis;
        var totalElapsed = end - this.monitor.startMonitoringTime;
        this.monitor[event].utilization /= totalElapsed;
    } else {
        this.monitor[event].utilization = 1;
        this.monitor[event].latestStart = this.monitor.startMonitoringTime;
    this.monitor[event].latestEnd = end;

/** Callback to be executed upon listening to the event's name start.
 *  This function is binded to the accessor's instance, when adding the listener.
 *  @param event Name of the listened event that started
var _recordEventStart = function(event) {
    switch(event) {
    case 'initialize':
        this.monitor.initialize.latestStart =;
    case 'react':
        this.monitor.react.latestStart =;
    case 'wrapup':
        this.monitor.wrapup.latestStart =;
        // Wrapup monitoring is reported in wrapup,
        // not after, so we set the count to 1 here.
        this.monitor.wrapup.count = 1;

//// Module functions.

/** If called with argument true, then accessors that are subsequently
 *  instantiated whose class name begins with 'trusted/' and accessors
 *  that have no class at all (they are given as custom script in the
 *  swarmlet definition) will have a
 *  binding for the getTopLevelAccessors() function. Such accessors
 *  can see and manipulate peer accessors, so a host that allows such
 *  trusted accessors should ensure that all trusted accessors are
 *  locally defined rather than downloaded from untrusted sources.
 *  @param allow True to allow trusted accessors, false otherwise.
function allowTrustedAccessors(allow) {
    trustedAccessorsAllowed = allow;

/** Convert the specified type to the type expected by the specified input,
 *  or throw an exception if no such conversion is possible.
 *  @param value The value to convert.
 *  @param destination The destination object, which may have a type property.
 *   This is an input, parameter, or output options object.
 *  @param name The name of the input, output, or parameter (for error reporting).
function convertType(value, destination, name) {
    if (!destination.type || destination.type === typeof value || value === null) {
        // Type is unspecified or a match, or value is null. Use value as given.
    } else if (destination.type === 'string') {
        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
            // Convert to string.
            try {
                value = JSON.stringify(value);
            } catch (error) {
                throw new Error('Object provided to ' +
                                name +
                                ' does not have a string representation: ' +
    } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
        // Provided value is a reported to be a string.  Note that it might
        // actually be a JSON object but is reported to be a string.  
        // Destination type is boolean, number, int, or JSON.
        if (value === '') {
            // If the value is an empty string, then convert
            // to null, unless the destination type is JSON.
            if (destination.type !== 'JSON') {
                value = null;
        } else {
            try {
                // Try to parse JSON.  This sometimes fails for strings
                // which are not enclosed in quotation marks.  Note also
                // the Javascript type (here, string) does not necessarily 
                // match the type of the parsed JSON (e.g. could be an object).
                var originalValue = value;
                value = JSON.parse(value);
            } catch (error) {
                // Assume it is a string.
                // Note this approach does not allow us to catch malformed JSON.
                value = originalValue;
    } else if (destination.type === 'boolean' && typeof value !== 'boolean') {
        // Liberally convert JavaScript data to boolean.
        if (value) {
            value = true;
        } else {
            value = false;
    } else if (destination.type === 'int' || destination.type === 'number') {
        // value is not a string. Needs to be a number.
        if (typeof value !== 'number') {
            throw new Error(name + ' expected an int, but got a ' +
                            (typeof value) +
                            ': ' +
        // If type is int, need the value to be an integer.
        if (destination.type === 'int' && value % 1 !== 0) {
            throw new Error(name + ' expected an int, but got ' + value);
    } else {
        // Only remaining case: value is not a string
        // and destination type is JSON. Just check that the value has a
        // JSON representation.
        try {
        } catch (err) {
            throw new Error('Object provided to ' +
                            name +
                            ' does not have a JSON representation: ' +
    return value;

/** Return the top-level accessors that have been created thus far.
 *  @return an array that names the top level accessors that have been created thus far.
function getTopLevelAccessors() {
    var result = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < allAccessors.length; i++) {
        if (allAccessors[i] && !allAccessors[i].container && !allAccessors[i].extendedBy && !allAccessors[i].implementedBy) {
    return result;

/** Throw an error indicating that getTopLevelAccessors is not supported.
function getTopLevelAccessorsNotSupported() {
    throw new Error('getTopLevelAccessors(): Accessors are not permitted' +
                    ' to access peer accessors in this host.' +
                    ' To allow access to trusted accessors, consider setting commonHost.allowTrustedAccessors(true).' +
                    ' Also, it could be that initialize() was invoked without the bindings returned' +
                    ' by getDefaultlInsideBindings().'

/** Return the name of this host.
 *  Hosts are expected to override this function and return their own name.
 *  @return In commonHost.js, throw error.
 *   In other hosts, return the name of the host.
function getHostName() {
    throw new Error('getHostName is not supported by this swarmlet host.');

/** Instantiate an accessor given its fully qualified class name, a function to retrieve
 *  the code, and bindings that include at least a require function to retrieve modules.
 *  The returned object will have a property **accessorClass** with the value of the
 *  class name parameter passed in here.
 *  @param accessorName A name to give to the accessor instance.
 *  @param accessorClass Fully qualified accessor class, e.g. 'net/REST'.
 *  @param getAccessorCode A function that will retrieve the source code of a specified
 *   accessor (used to implement the this.extend() and this.implement() functions), or null if
 *   the host does not support accessors that extend other accessors.
 *  @param bindings The function bindings to be used by the accessor.
 *  @param extendedBy An optional argument specifying what accessor is extending
 *   this new instance. Pass null or no argument if this accessor is not being extended.
 *   If this argument is present, then the getAccessorCode and bindings arguments are
 *   ignored (the instance inherits those properties from the extender).
 *  @param implementedBy An optional argument specifying what accessor is implementing
 *   this new instance. Pass null or no argument if this accessor is not being
 *   implemented.
 *   If this argument is present, then the getAccessorCode and bindings arguments are
 *   ignored (the instance inherits those properties from the implementer).
function instantiateAccessor(
    accessorName, accessorClass, getAccessorCode, bindings, extendedBy, implementedBy) {
    var code = getAccessorCode(accessorClass);
    // In case bindings is not defined.
    bindings = bindings || {};
    var instance = new Accessor(
        accessorName, code, getAccessorCode, bindings, extendedBy, implementedBy);
    instance.accessorClass = accessorClass;
    return instance;

/** Evaluates whether a mutable is reifiable by the accessor given as parameters.
 *  It is reifiable if: 
 *  ** the set of accessor inputs are included in the set of mutable accessor'
 *     inputs.
 *  ** and the set of outputs of mutable accessor are included in the set of
 *     outputs of accessor.
 *  For port inclusion to hold, the following conditions are checked:
 *  ** Same port name
 *  ** If the ports contain an attribute called 'type', then they need to be
 *     checked for equality.
 *  FIXME: augment type checking with subtyping.
 *  FIXME: augment the function to accept interface names, urls, ontologies...
 *  @param mutable An instantiated Accessor that is mutable.
 *  @param accessor An instantiated Accessor object.
 *  @return false if the mutable is not reifiable by the accessor, otherwise true.
function isReifiableBy (mutable, accessor) {
    var mutableRoot = mutable.root; 
    var i;

    if (!mutable || ! mutable.accessorName || !accessor || !accessor.accessorName) {
        this.error('isReifiableBy(): the paremeters should be instances of Accessor.');
        return false;

    // Look for mapping the accessor inputs to the mutable inputs
    var myInputInList, myInput, accInputInList, accInput;

    for (i = 0; i < accessor.inputList.length; i++) {
        accInputInList = accessor.inputList[i];
        accInput = accessor.inputs[accInputInList];

        myInputInList = mutableRoot.inputList[mutableRoot.inputList.indexOf(accInputInList)];
        myInput = mutableRoot.inputs[myInputInList];

        // Check the input name
        if (!myInputInList) {
            return false;

        // Then check the type, if such attribute exists
        if (accInput.type && myInput.type && (accInput.type !== myInput.type)) {
            return false;

    // Look for mapping the mutableAccesssor outputs to the accessor outputs
    for (i = 0; i < mutableRoot.outputList.length; i++) {
        var myOutputInList = mutableRoot.outputList[i];
        var myOutput = mutableRoot.outputs[myOutputInList];

        var accOutputInList = accessor.outputList[accessor.outputList.indexOf(myOutputInList)];
        var accOutput = accessor.outputs[accOutputInList];

        // Check the output name
        if (!accOutputInList) {
            return false;
        // Then check the type, if such attribute exists
        if (accOutput.type && myOutput.type && (accOutput.type !== myOutput.type)) {
            return false;

    return true;

/** Merge the specified objects. If the two have common properties, the merged object
 *  will have the properties of the second argument. If the first argument is null,
 *  then the returned object will equal the second argument, unless it too is null,
 *  in which case the returned object will be an empty object.
 *  @param first The first argument, giving default properties.
 *  @param second The second argument.
function mergeObjects(first, second) {
    if (first) {
        if (second) {
            // Both objects exist. Copy the first.
            var result = {};
            for (var property in first) {
                result[property] = first[property];
            // Override with the second.
            for (var property2 in second) {
                result[property2] = second[property2];
            return result;
        } else {
            // First but no second object.
            return first;
    } else if (second) {
        // Second but no first object.
        return second;
    // No first or second.
    return {};

/** Default empty function to use if the function argument to
 *  addInputHandler is null.
function nullHandlerFunction() {}

/** Process command line arguments to instantiate and initialize
 *  accessors or to evaluate plain JavaScript within the context of an
 *  accessor host. This is provided here in commonHost so that all
 *  accessor hosts that provide a command-line usage have the same
 *  command-line argument structure.
 *  This function takes up to four arguments,
 *  where only the first is required.
 *  The first argument is an array of
 *  command-line arguments (as detailed below).
 *  The second (optional)
 *  argument is a function that given a file name, returns the contents
 *  of the file as a string. The second argument is needed only if
 *  plain JavaScript files are to be evaluated using the -js command-line
 *  argument.
 *  The third (optional) argument is an instantiate function that
 *  takes two arguments, an accessor name (an arbitrary string) and an
 *  accessor class name. This argument is needed only if accessors class
 *  names are given on the command line to instantiate and initialize.
 *  The fourth (optional) argument is a callback function to
 *  invoke when either a specified timeout is reached (if a timeout
 *  is provided), or all instantiated accessors have wrapped up
 *  and all specified JavaScript files have been evaluated. This argument
 *  may, for example, cause the calling process to exit.
 *  For example, if a host provides a executable command named
 *  'host', then it might be invoked as follows:
 *      > host -t 1000 -js fileName.js test/TestAccessor
 *  The above command will evaluate the JavaScript in fileName.js, then
 *  instantiate the accessor with class name test/TestAccessor and
 *  initialize it, then wait one second and then call the terminate
 *  callback function.  For the above command to work, this function
 *  has to be provided a fileReader argument to read fileName.js.
 *  The order in which files and accessors are specified matters. They
 *  will be evaluated or instantiated and initialized in the order that
 *  they appear in the argument list.
 *  The command-line arguments are file names, accessor class names (such as
 *  net/REST), or any of the following options:
 *  * -e|--e|-echo|--echo: Echo the command-line arguments.
 *    This is helpful for use under Ant apply.
 *  * -h|--h|-help|--help: Print a usage message.
 *  * -j|--j|-js|--js: Interpret the next argument as the name of a regular
 *    JavaScript file to evaluate.
 *  * -k|--k|-keepalive|--keepalive: Keep the calling process alive until either
 *    a timeout option expires or all instanted accessors have called wrapup.
 *  * -t|--t|-timeout|--timeout milliseconds: The maximum amount of time the
 *    script can run. When this time is reached, stop() is called on all
 *    accessors that have been instantiated, and then
 *  * -v|--v|-version|--version: Print out the version number
 *  @param argv An array of command-line arguments, see above.
 *  @param fileReader A function that, given a file name, returns its contents as a string.
 *  @param instantiateTopLevel A function that, given a name and class, instantiates a
 *   top-level accessor and returns it.
 *  @param terminator A callback function to invoke when all work is done.
 *  @return True if any accessors were intantiated and initialized or if the keepalive
 *   option was specified. The caller can use the return value to indicate whether there
 *   is still work to be done, for example in active accessors. The caller may exit if
 *   the return value is false, since this indicates that all work is done.
function processCommandLineArguments(argv, fileReader, instantiateTopLevel, terminator) {

    // Simplified usage message to just show the preferred form of the arguments,
    // not all possible variations.
    var usage = "Usage: [-help] [-echo] [-js filename] [-keepalive] [-timeout milliseconds]" +
        " [-version] [accessorClassName] [accessorClassName ...]";
    var timeout = -1;

    // If there is no other definition of the instantiate() function in scope,
    // then set it equal to the instantiateTopLevel argument.
    if (typeof instantiate === 'undefined') {
        var instantiate = instantiateTopLevel;

    if (argv.length === 0) {
        return false;

    var accessorCount = 0;
    var accessorsWrappedUp = 0;
    var keepAlive = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
        switch (argv[i]) {

        case '-e':
        case '--e':
        case '-echo':
        case '--echo':

        case '-h':
        case '--h':
        case '-help':
        case '--help':
            return false;

        case '-j':
        case '--j':
        case '-js':
        case '--js':
            if (i + 1 >= argv.length) {
                console.error("Argument " + i + "  was " + argv[i] + " but there is no " +
                              "following filename argument.  Args were: " + argv);
                return false;
            i += 1;
            if (!fileReader) {
                console.error('This host does not support evaluating arbitrary JavaScript files.');
                return false;

            try {
            } catch (exception) {
                console.error('Failed to eval "' + argv[i] + '": ' + exception +
                              ': Stacktrace was: ' + hostStackTrace(exception));

                return false;


        case '-k':
        case '--k':
        case '-keepalive':
        case '--keepalive':
            keepAlive = true;

        case '-t':
        case '--t':
        case '-timeout':
        case '--timeout':
            if (i + 1 >= argv.length) {
                console.error("Argument " + i + "  was " + argv[i] + " but there is no " +
                              "following milliseconds argument.  Args were: " + argv);
                return false;
            i += 1;
            if (typeof argv[i] === 'string') {
                argv[i] = JSON.parse(argv[i]);
            timeout = argv[i];

            console.log("commonHost.js: processCommandLineArguments(): " +
                        "Setting timeout to stop after " + timeout + " ms.");
            setTimeout(function () {
                // Under node, process.exit gets caught by exitHandler() in
                // nodeHost.js and invokes wrapup().
                console.log("commonHost.js: processCommandLineArguments(): Maximum time reached. Calling stopAllAccessors().");
                // If a keep-alive timer is active, stop it.
                if (timerHandle) {
                // If a terminator function is given, use it.
                // Otherwise, invoke wrapup on all accessors.
                if (terminator) {
                } else {
                    console.log('stop all accessors');
                    if (deterministicTemporalSemantics) {
            }, timeout);

        case '-v':
        case '--v':
        case '-version':
        case '--version':
            console.log("Accessors 1.0, commonHost.js: $Id$");
            return false;

            // All other arguments are assumed to be accessor class names to be instantiated.
            if (!instantiateTopLevel) {
                console.error('This host does not support instanting accessors.');
                return false;
            // Name for the accessor.
            var name = uniqueName(argv[i]);
            var accessor = instantiateTopLevel(name, argv[i]);

            // Initialize the accessor.

            accessor.on('wrapupEnd', function () {
                if (terminator && accessorsWrappedUp >= accessorCount) {
                    // All initialized accessors have wrapped up.
                    console.log("All initialized accessors have wrapped up. Terminating.");
                    if (timerHandle) {

    // All command-line arguments have been processed.
    var timerHandle;
    // If a keep-alive argument has been given or if
    // any accessors have been initialized and no timeout has been specified,
    // then set a timeout to keep the process from exiting.
    if (keepAlive || (accessorCount > 0 && timeout === -1)) {
        // Prevent the script from exiting by repeating the empty function
        // every ~25 days. This will be cancelled if the terminator argument
        // is specified and all accessors have wrapped up.
        timerHandle = setInterval(function () {}, 2147483647);
    if (accessorCount > 0) {
        return true;
    return keepAlive;

/** Push the specified item onto the specified list if it is not already there.
 *  @param item Item to push.reifying
 *  @param list List onto which to push it.
function pushIfNotPresent(item, list) {
    for (var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) {
        if (item === list[j]) {

/** Stop execution by invoking wrapup() on all top-level accessors
 *  that have been initialized and not wrapped up.
function stopAllAccessors() {
    var accessors = getTopLevelAccessors();
    var initialThrowable = null;
    for (var i = 0; i < accessors.length; i++) {
        var composite = accessors[i];
        if (composite.initialized) {
            try {
                console.log('commonHost.js: invoking wrapup() for accessor: ' + composite.accessorName);
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('commonHost.js: wrapup failed for accessor: ' + composite.accessorName);
                if (initialThrowable === null) {
                    initialThrowable = error;
    if (initialThrowable !== null) {
        throw new Error("commonHost.js: stopAllAccessors(): while invoking wrapup() of all accessors," +
                        " an exception was thrown: " + initialThrowable +
                        ' Stacktrace was: ' + hostStackTrace(initialThrowable));

/** Return a name that is unique in the specified container based on the specified
 *  seed. If no container is given, then return a name that is unique among top-level
 *  accessors. If the seed contains slashes, as in an accessor class name like net/REST,
 *  then everything before the last slash is removed. If the seed ends with an extension
 *  .js, then everything after and including the last period is removed. The remaining
 *  seed will be used as is if the name is unique. Otherwise, it will have a number, starting
 *  with 2, appended so as to ensure that it is unique.
function uniqueName(seed, container) {
    var startIndex = (seed.indexOf('\\') >= 0 ? seed.lastIndexOf('\\') :
    if (startIndex >= 0) {
        seed = seed.substring(startIndex + 1);
    // Don't use endsWith() here, duktape does not support ECMA6 endsWith().
    if (seed.indexOf('.js') === seed.length - 3) {
        seed = seed.substring(0, seed.length - 3);
    var accessors = getTopLevelAccessors();
    if (container && container.containedAccessors) {
        accessors = container.containedAccessors;
    // Convert the list into an object for quick lookup.
    var names = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < accessors.length; i++) {
        if (accessors[i].accessorName) {
            names[accessors[i].accessorName] = true;
    if (!names[seed]) {
        return seed;
    } else {
        var count = 2;
        while (names['' + seed + count]) {
        return '' + seed + count;

//// Module variables.

/** Table of accessor instances indexed by their exports property.
 *  This allows us to retrieve the full accessor data structure, but to only
 *  expose to the user of this module the exports property of the accessor.
 *  Note that this host does not support removing accessors, so the instance
 *  will be around as long as the process exists.
var _accessorInstanceTable = {};

//// Exports

// Note that there are some exports that occur earlier in this file.
// FIXME: Why?
exports.Accessor = Accessor;
exports.allowTrustedAccessors = allowTrustedAccessors;
exports.instantiateAccessor = instantiateAccessor;
exports.isReifiableBy = isReifiableBy;
exports.getHostName = getHostName;
exports.getTopLevelAccessors = getTopLevelAccessors;
exports.processCommandLineArguments = processCommandLineArguments;
exports.stopAllAccessors = stopAllAccessors;
exports.uniqueName = uniqueName;