No tcl tests in /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test
No auto/knownFailedTests/*.xml tests in /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test
No auto/linux-amd64/*.xml tests in /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test About to close Vertx. Vertx closed.

----------------- *** Skipping testing of /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test/auto/KeyValueStoreClient.xml because it does fails under Travis.  To updated this list, edit ptolemy/util/test/junit/

----------------- testing Mon Jun 06 02:09:50 UTC 2022 /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test/auto/WebServer.xml
----------------- Mon Jun 06 02:09:50 UTC 2022 About to sleep for 5.0 seconds before running or rerunning.  Test is: /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test/auto/WebServer.xml
Done sleeping
----------------- Instantiating /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test/auto/WebServer.xml
JSAccessor: PT_NO_NET environment variable is set, so git pull and ptdoc are not being run.
WebServer: WebServer: Creating new server. (Thread[WebServer,1,main])
WebServer: WebServer: Listening for requests. (Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,1,main])
Manager.initialize() finished: 11203 ms. Memory: 711680K Free: 344574K (48%)
REST: Making an HTTP request. (Thread[WebServer,1,main])
WebServer: Server received request. (Thread[WebServer,1,main])
WebServer: WebServer: Stopping the server. (Thread[WebServer,1,main])
12802 ms. Memory: 711680K Free: 267264K (38%)
----------------- Invoking toplevel() on ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication@55beb919
----------------- Done invoking toplevel() on ptolemy.moml.MoMLSimpleApplication@55beb919
reloadAllAccessors: .WebServer
This is the first time that the reloadAllAccessors method has been invoked in this JVM, so the the accessors repo will be checked out or updated and JSDoc invoked. Note that running the tests may end up invoking a new JVM for each directory, so the repo may be checked out or updated and JSDoc invoked more than once when the tests are run.
-------------- Reloaded accessors, but skipping rerun for now. Mon Jun 06 02:10:22 UTC 2022 /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test/auto/WebServer.xml

----------------- *** Skipping testing of /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test/auto/WebServerBasic.xml because it does fails under Travis.  To updated this list, edit ptolemy/util/test/junit/

----------------- *** Skipping testing of /home/travis/build/icyphy/ptII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jjs/modules/httpServer/test/auto/WebServerTimeout.xml because it does fails under Travis.  To updated this list, edit ptolemy/util/test/junit/ About to close Vertx. Vertx closed.